Municipal Services Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/13/2021

The Municipal Services Committee is scheduled to meet 04/13/2021 at 5PM. They have three action items on the agenda. 1. Voting on a sole source contract with Patrick Engineering for professional services needed to complete the Wastewater Electrical Distribution Upgrades Phase 5 (Final Phase). This […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/12/2021

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/12/2021 at 4:30 PM. Amongst other items on the agenda are… A Preliminary Resolution Declaring Intent to Exercise Special Assessment Powers for Concrete Pavement, Driveway Aprons and Sidewalk Construction be adopted and refer the matter to the Finance Committee […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting Scheduled For 03/08/2021

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 03/08/2021 at 4:30 pm. There are several action items including Review Driveway Opening Policy to possibly delete requirement #5 regarding neighboring property owners. This was prompted by an appeal for a second curb cut that recently came before the […]

Crash Rate At the Northland/Richmond Intersection Tripled Since It Became a Roundabout

Today I learned that all the people who hate the Northland/Richmond roundabout and think it is accident central have ample reason to complain. Personally, I love roundabouts and think they’re the most fun intersections in the entire world. As a result, I always put people’s […]