Mayor Woodford To Present Two Proclamations At 06/15/2022 Common Council Meeting – Make Music Day Appleton And Dump The Pump Day

During the 06/13/2022 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting two mayoral proclamations. In the first, he proclaims June 21, 2022, to be “Make Music Day Appleton”, highlights a “Make Music Day Appleton” event that will be held downtown, and encourages “all residents to […]

Mayoral Proclamations From 06/03/2022 – Pride Month, CPR And AED Awareness Week, Gun Violence Awareness Day, Juneteenth Celebration Day, And Refugee Day

During the 06/01/2022 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford presented 5 different mayoral proclamations. In the first he proclaimed June 2022 to be Pride Month in Appleton and urged “all citizens to honor, celebrate, and promote equal rights for all people, regardless of sexual orientation and […]

Mayor Woodford To Present 6 Proclamations – Noon Lion’s Centennial Day, American Legion Poppy Day, Bee Day, Lawrence University 175th Anniversary Day, Police Week, and Public Works Week

 Tonight during the Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting 6 mayoral proclamations. In the first he proclaims Sunday, May 22, 2022 as Appleton Noon Lions Club Centennial Day and calls “upon all citizens to join in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of […]

Mayor To Present 6 Proclamations At 05/04/2022 Common Council Meeting

Mayor Woodford will be present 6 proclamations at the 05/04/2022 Common Council meeting. The first proclaims the month of May 2022 to be Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and encourages “residents to recognize the many contributions of Asian American and Pacific Islanders in our […]

Mayor Woodford To Present 6 Proclamations At 04/06/2022 Common Council Meeting – Arbor Day, Library Week, Public Health Week, Autism Acceptance Month, Earth Day, And Golden Rule Day

This coming week may be very short of meetings, but it will be very heavy on mayoral proclamations. The one City of Appleton government meeting will be the Common Council meeting on 04/06/2022. At that meeting, Mayor Woodford will present 6 mayoral proclamations. The first […]

Mayor Woodford To Present Three Proclamations – Appleton As An Age-Friendly Community, Be Active Wisconsin Month, and Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Mayor Woodford will be presenting three proclamations at the 03/02/2022 Common Council meeting. In the first, he proclaims Appleton “and Age-Friendly Community as defined by AARP, and as a city committed to promoting, creating, and sustaining communities for all states of life.” With the second […]

Mayor Woodford Presents 5 Proclamations – Transit Equity Day, Career and Technical Education Month, Gun Violence Survivor Week, Burn Awareness Week, Black History Month

Mayor Woodford presented five mayoral proclamations at the 02/02/2022 Common Council meeting. In the first he proclaimed January 28, 2022 Transit Equity Day in Appleton and encouraged “residents to recognize that equal access to reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound public transportation plays an important pat […]

Mayor Woodford Makes First Proclamations Of 2022 – Human Trafficking Awareness Day and MLK Jr. Day

We have our first Mayoral Proclamations of the new year. Mayor Woodford proclaimed January 11, 2022 to be Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Appleton and encouraged residents “to increase awareness about identification of human trafficking along with becoming familiar with resources and services that can […]

Mayor To Present Public Health Thank You Day Proclamation At 12/01/2021 Common Council Meeting

Tonight at the 12/01/2021 Common Council meeting Mayor Woodford will be presenting one proclamation. He recently proclaimed that November 22, 2021 was Public Health Thank You Day and encouraged “residents, businesses, and organizations to join me in saying Thank You to our local public health […]

Mayor’s Office Sends Out Press Release Indicating That Appleton Tax-Payers’ Portion Of The Library Project Remains Set At $26.4 Million

The Office of the Mayor has sent out a press release regarding the budget for the Library Project which reiterates that the taxpayer portion of the project remains set at $26.4 million. Per the press release, “the total building project cost is currently estimated at […]