Finance Committee Approves Sole Source Purchase Of Fire Truck – Asks Staff To Clarify Whether Contract Locks Price In Or Allows For It To Be Increased Annually Over 50 Month Lead Time

The Finance Committee met 05/06/2024. One of the items they took up was a request to approve the sole source purchase of a new fire engine from Pierce Manufacturing with an expected delivery date of 4 years from now. The committee had some questions about […]

Finance Committee Holds Wheel Tax Resolution Until 05/20/2024 Meeting – Asks Staff To Provide Information On Amount Of Additional Revenue Expected And State Statues Governing Wheel Taxes

The Finance Committee met 05/06/2024. One of the items on the agenda was the resolution that would increase the wheel tax by $10 per year per vehicle. This item was placed on hold until the 05/20/2024 Finance Committee meeting because Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) […]

Finance Committee Meeting 05/06/2024 – Will Vote On Resolution To Increase Wheel Tax

The Finance Committee is meeting 05/06/2024 at 5:30PM. They will be taking up Resolution 5-R-24 which, if passed as written, would increase the wheel tax by $10 in response to inflation and increased costs of construction and labor. The committee will also be voting on […]

Parks And Rec Committe And Finance Committee Holding Special Meetings Tonight 05/01/2024 – Will Elect Vice-Chairs

The Parks and Recreation Committee and the Finance Committee are each holding special meetings this evening, one at 6:00PM and the other at 6:15PM, prior to the Common Council meeting at 7PM. Each of the meetings should be short and they will only be engaging […]

Finance Committee Meeting 04/22/2024 – Will Vote On 2024 Sewer Pipe Lining Contract, New Generator For Parks And Recreation Department Facility

The Finance Committee is meeting 04/22/2024 at 5:30PM. Outside of housekeeping items such as electing a Vice Chair and designating a contact person, they have two action items on the agenda. The first is a request to award the O-24 Sanitary and Storm Sewer cured […]

Finance Committee Meeting 04/08/2024 – Will Vote On 2024 Repair And Preventative Maintenance Contract For Yellow And Red Parking Ramps

The Finance Committee is meeting 04/08/2024 at 5:30PM. They have one item on their agenda which is a request to award the 2024 repair and preventative maintenance contract for the Red and Yellow parking ramps to Berglund Construction for a total including contingency of $1,386,000. […]

Finance Committee Approves Budget Amendment Recording $279,800 Donation By Goodwill To Cover Cost Of Replacing Rubberized Surface Of Miracle League Field

The Finance Committee met 03/25/2024. One of the items they voted on was the request to approve a 2024 Budget amendment recording a $279,800 donation from Goodwill to cover the cost of replacing the rubberized surface at the Miracle League Field in Memorial Park. I’ve […]

Finance Committee Approves 2023-2024 Budget Carryover Appropriations – Discusses Items Related To Housing Task Force Implementation Designed To Improve Communication And Process Flow With Developers

The Finance Committee met 03/25/2024. One of the items they voted on was the request to approve the 2023-2024 budget carryover appropriations. There were two long lists of carryover appropriations which can be downloaded below along with a transcript of the discussion: The only items […]

Finance Committee Approves Memorandums Of Understanding For City Programs Receiving $2.8 Million In ARPA Funds

The Finance Committee met 03/25/2024. One of the items they discussed was the request to approve Memorandums of Understanding for various projects that utilized ARPA funding. The committee had questions about five specific programs: The committee ended up approving the item unanimously. I’ve prepared a […]

Finance Committee Meeting 03/25/2024 – Will Vote On MOUs For ARPA Projects, Transfer Of $2 Million In ARPA Funds For Library Project

The Finance Committee is meeting 03/25/2024 at 5:30PM. They have a lot of items on the agenda, many of which appear to be fairly routine requests to award contracts and purchase orders, accept grants, and make budget amendments. There are some American Recovery Plan Act […]