Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 05/08/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution To Have Ellen Kort Peace Park Participate In No Mow May

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 05/08/2023. They have two items on the agenda. The first is a request to approve a modification to the committee’s meeting time, so that it meets at 6:15PM instead of 6:30PM. Because they would be meeting less than […]

Alderpersons Schultz And Del Toro Clarify That The Resolution To Suspend Mowing In Ellen Kort Peace Park For No Mow May Is Intended To Be For 2023 Only And Not Future Years

Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) recently introduced Resolution 4-R-23, the Resolution To Support Pollinator and Wildlife Habitats In Ellen Kort Peace Park. The resolution is fairly straightforward and calls for mowing to be suspended within the park during the month of May. Based on the […]

Due To Public Notice Concern, Parks And Recreation Committee Votes To Hold Ellen Kort Peace Park No Mow May Resolution At Committee For 2 Weeks

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 04/24/2023. One of the items sort of on the agenda was Resolution 4-R-23, the resolution that would have Ellen Kort Peace Park left un-mowed during the month of May as part of No Mow May. The committee ended up […]

Trout Museum Of Art Drops Plan To Build In Ellen Kort Peace Park, Cites “Greater Than Expected Financial And Regulatory Burden Related To The Site’s Clean Up”

The Trout Museum has announced that it will no longer be pursuing its plan to build a facility on the grounds of Ellen Kort Peace Park. Per a press release from the museum, “The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment performed by Westwood Professional Services on […]

Mayor Woodford Provides Further Details On Trout Museum’s Communication With The City – “Council was clear with us that they expected us to devote as little staff time as possible to this process and analysis to ensure minimum taxpayer expense. As such […] I opted to not engage staff and I, myself, was minimally engaged”

Last week, Mayor Woodford updated the Common Council on Trout Museum of Art’s proposal to build a museum on the grounds of the Ellen Kort Peace Park. In that update reported “The Trout Museum of Art had engaged Westwood Professional Services to conduct the Phase […]

Mayor Woodford Provides Statement On Status Of Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park Proposal – Trout Currently Reviewing Environmental Assessment Report

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. At that meeting, Mayor Woodford provided an update on where the Trout Museum is in its journey to gain approval to construct a museum building on the grounds of Ellen Kort Peace Park. This was touched on briefly during the […]

Common Council Meeting 02/15/2023 – Will Receive Updates On Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park Proposal, The 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident At Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Common Council is meeting 02/15/2023 at 7PM. The committee meetings last week were all pretty tame, so I would not expect any of them to result in long drawn-out discussions in the Council meeting, although some, such as the Legal Services reorganization, may be […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Receives Update On Park Projects – Alderperson Wolff States Update On Trout Museum Will Happen At 02/15/2023 Common Council Meeting

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 02/06/2023. One of the items on the agenda was an update on various parks projects. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for your downloading pleasure. One would have thought this was the place where the public could find […]

Recap Of Common Council Discussion And Vote Regarding Proposal To Relocated Trout Museum To Ellen Kort Peace Park

The Common Council met 10/05/2022 and ended up voting 8-7 to proceed with discussions on the Trout Museum of Art’s proposal to construct a new museum building within the Ellen Kort Peace Park. On 10/06/2022 I recapped the presentation the Trout Museum representatives gave to […]

Trout Museum Of Art Gives Presentation To Common Council On Proposal To Build Facility In Ellen Kort Peace Park, Provides Concept Drawing Of Museum Facility

The Common Council met 10/05/2022 in a special session. The purpose of the session was for the Council to receive a presentation from the Trout Museum of Art on their proposal to build a new museum building within Ellen Kort Peace Park and then vote […]