Board Of Education Votes To Approve Purchase Of Spanish Language Readers And 8th Grade U.S. History Curriculum

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 05/09/2022. One of the items they took up was the purchase of high school Spanish language and 8th Grade U.S. History materials. This had originally been put on the 04/11/2022 meeting agenda, but then removed and […]

Board Of Education Receives Presentation On Spanish And US History Materials Purchases – Assistant Superintendent Harrison Explains How AASD Is Trying To Improve Awareness Of Public Feedback Periods

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 04/11/2022. Two of the items that were presented to them and discussed were (a) the purchase of Spanish language reader materials and (b) the purchase of “Cengage National Geographic U.S. History American Stories, Survey” for 8th […]

AASD Assistant Superintendent Steve Harrison Answers Questions About The Use Of Supplemental Materials In Classrooms, Declines To Explain How Members Of The Public Who Do Not Have Students In A Specific Class Could View Course Materials, Explains That Supplemental Materials Do Not Require Board Approval

In 2021, in order to gain a better understanding of what was being taught in public schools, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty made open records requests to the nine largest school districts in the state. They asked for materials from several English and […]