Health Officer Sepers Talks About The Discrepancy In Covid Case Numbers Reported By Appleton As Compared To Those Reported By DHS; Also Talks About Reporting Numbers As Covid Becomes Endemic

A reader asked why the weekly covid numbers the city of Appleton reports do not line up with the numbers being reported by the WI DHS. Overall, Appleton has reported a couple hundred more cases in Appleton than DHS has and 1 more death than […]

Utilities Commitee Receives Report On Covid-19 Levels In Appleton’s Wastewater

The Utilities Committee met 08/23/2022. The meeting was very brief, clocking it at under 10 minutes. The four action items on the agenda were all approved with no questions or discussion. The item that involved the most discussion was the Wastewater Covid-19 Report. Utilities Director […]