Board Of Health Takes Up Resolution On Covid Mandates And Health Officer Hiring – Amends Every Single Section

On 08/11/2021 the Board of Health took up and voted on Resolution 12-R-21. The discussion started out with Chairperson Cathy Spears asking, “Can I have a motion to get it on the table for discussion?” and another board member saying, “So moved.” [Normally when an […]

After Voting To Make In-School Masking Optional, Board Of Education Receives Public Comment Asking To Mandate Masks; Superintendent Baseman Suggests That Any Change In Course Will Be Announced At 08/23/2021 Board Of Education Meeting

During the 08/09/2021 Appleton Area School District Board of Education meeting, 10 people made public comments, all of them regarding masking for the upcoming school year. 9 of them asked for the District to change its plans for masking to be optional and instead require […]

Common Council Receives Covid-19 Update, Reviews Changes To City Covid Policy, And Holds Question And Answer Session With Interim Health Officer

About 1/3rd of the 08/04/2021 Common Council meeting was taken up with an update and discussion about Covid-19. Interim Health Office Sonja Jensen started out by providing a brief update. There has been a bit of an increase in cases of Covid in the community […]