Common Council Meeting 03/06/2024 – Will Vote On Proposed Changes To Yard Waste Site Hours, Request To Upgrade Lighting At College/Walnut Intersection, Install Kayak Rental Station At Telulah Park

The Common Council is meeting 03/06/2024 at 7PM. The agenda is not that heavy and they do not have a lot of items that would strike me as resulting in extended discussion or debate. There are a few items that seem like potential candidates for […]

Resolution Calling For Merging Of Utilities Committee With Municipal Services Committee Introduced At 02/21/2024 Common Council Meeting

One resolution was submitted during the 02/21/2024 Common Council meeting. Resolution 2-R-24 The Resolution To Consolidate The Utilities Committee With the Municipal Services Committee was written by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) and, if passed would eliminate the Utilities Committee and merge it with the […]

Common Council Votes Unanimously To Deny Whitman Yard Site Closure Resolution, Approve Peabody Park Trail Project, Approve Sludge Piping And Digester Bid

The Common Council met 02/21/2024. The public portion of the meeting was short, lasting only around 15 minutes. They did also spend around 45 minutes in closed session “deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties and the investing of public funds, regarding the U.S. […]

Common Council Meeting 02/21/2024 – Will Vote On Resolution To Close Whitman Yard Waste Site, Go Into Closed Session To Hold Negotiations Regarding US Venture Site

The Common Council is meeting 02/21/2024 at 7PM. They have quite a few action items on the agenda, but it’s a little hard to guess which items may be separated out for individual votes. The one item that stands out to me is Resolution 12-R-23 […]

Common Council Votes Down Resolution Calling For City Parking Facility Management Study

The Common Council met 02/07/2024. One of the items they voted on was the Parking Facility and Management Study Resolution. This resolution called for staff to seek out a consultant to study and assess the city’s parking assets, including the downtown parking ramps, put together […]

Common Council Approves Use Of $134,000 In Grant Funds For Library Project – Declines To Clarify That The Funds Will Not Be Used To Increase Project’s Scope

The Common Council met 02/07/2024. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was Resolution 1-R-24 which called to utilize $134,180 in Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds for the library project. The Finance Committee had recommended this resolution for approval by […]

Common Council Meeting 02/07/2024 At 7PM – Will Vote On Parking Facilities Study Resolution, Resolution To Use Efficiency And Conservation Block Grant Funds For Library Project

The Common Council is meeting 02/07/2024 at 7PM. There are a number of items on the agenda that may be separated out for an individual vote. Those include: View full meeting details here:

Resolution Introduced That Would Direct $134,000 In Efficiency And Conservation Block Grant Funds Toward Qualifying Library Project Initiative

The first resolution of 2024 was introduced at the 01/17/2024 Common Council meeting. Resolution 1-R-24 is the Resolution for Use of Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Funds and calls for $134.180 in Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds from the Department of Energy to be […]

Common Council Holds Parking Facility Study Resolution Until Next Meeting To Give Resolution’s Author A Chance To Participate In Discussion

The Common Council met 01/17/2024. It was a brief meeting lasting only around 13 minutes. The one action item that was separated out for individual discussion was the Parking Facilities Study Resolution. This resolution calls for staff to seek the services of a consultant to […]

Common Council Meeting 01/17/2024 – Will Vote On Parking Facilities Study Resolution

The Common Council is meeting 01/17/2024 at 7PM. There have only been a few committee meetings since the Council last met, so there are not a lot of action items on the agenda. The Parking Facilities Study Resolution will almost certainly be separated out for […]