Common Council Approves Allocations For $6,891,841 In ARPA Funding

During the 11/03/2021 Appleton Common Council meeting, the Council members discussed and eventually approved the recommended 2021 allocations for the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds and approved the related 2021 budget amendment. Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) asked for the item to be separated […]

Finance Committee Discusses 2021 ARPA Allocations And Associated Budget Amendment

Due to my illness last month, I was not able to recap most if any of the financial discussions that led up to the budget being passed. I did want to recap the discussion at the 10/25/2021 Finance Committee meeting regarding the request to approve […]

Finance Committee Approves Transportation Utility Study Contract And 2021-2023 City Auditing Services Contract

The Appleton Finance Committee met 09/20/2021 and took up a number of items. Although they voted on 4 separate items, the meeting still came in slightly under 10 minutes. Committee members William Siebers (District 1), Vered Meltzer (District 2), Brad Firkus (District 3), and Matt […]

Mayor Woodford Gives Update On Process For Allocating Appleton’s American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) Grant Dollars

During the 08/04/2021 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford reviewed the allocation process for the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds that the city has received. As a part of ARPA, municipalities received direct allocations of funds which the mayor stated was an unprecedented step on […]