We have a very quiet two weeks ahead of us. Christmas is on Wednesday of this week and New Years is on Wednesday of next week, so there are no scheduled City of Appleton meetings for the next two weeks. Additionally, in contrast to previous […]
Tag: Christmas
Merry Christmas
🎄 Merry Christmas. 🎄 May your day be full of joy and good memories.
Merry Christmas – Posting Will Resume 12/27/2022
🎄Merry Christmas! I hope you are all enjoying the holiday. 🎄 Like many parents (and maybe even some non-parents), I have a shocking number of Lego sets I need to put together, so posting will resume on Tuesday the 27th.
Crowded Mall Casts Doubts On People’s Dedication To Coronavirus Mitigation
Not being someone who leaves my Christmas shopping until the very last day possible, I had no reason to be by the mall today, but I was informed by someone who is a chronic Christmas present procrastinator that the Fox River Mall was quite crowded […]
Sparse Posts Over The Holiday
🎄 Posts will be sparse over the next couple days as I’ll be celebrating Christmas with my family. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas also. 🎄