Common Council Votes 8-4 To Deny Resolution That Would Have Used ARPA Dollars To Fund 10 Flock License Plate Reader Cameras

The Common Council met 12/20/2023. The agenda item that took up the most amount of discussion was Resolution 13-R-23 which would have reallocated $125,000 in ARPA funds to pay for the 5-year lease and maintenance of 10 additional Flock license plate reader cameras. [The initial […]

Finance Committee Approves Transfer Of An Additional $244,000 In ARPA Funds To City Parking Utility To Cover Lost Revenue

The Finance Committee met 12/11/2023. One of the items they voted on was a request to approve a budget amendment authorizing an additional $244,000 be transferred from the city’s ARPA funds and moved to the city’s Parking Utility to cover lost revenue by the parking […]

Finance Committee Passes Resolution To Reallocate $125,000 In ARPA Funds To Cover The Cost Of Leasing 10 Additional Flock License Plate Reader Cameras – Some Alderpersons Express Opposition

The Finance Committee met 12/11/2023. It was a long meeting taking nearly an hour and a half, 40 minutes of which was taken up with discussion and a vote on Resolution 13-R-23. The resolution initially called for the reallocation of $25,000 of American Rescue Act […]

Finance Committee Holds Executive Budget Delivery Resolution And Flock Camera ARPA Funding Resolution Until 12/11/2023

The Finance Committee met 11/20/2023. Two of the action items on the agenda were resolutions. Resolution 14-R-23 would change the date of the presentation of the executive budget from the first Wednesday in October to the third Wednesday in September. Resolution 13-R-23 would reallocate $25,000 […]

Finance Committee Meeting 11/20/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution Changing Budget Delivery Deadline, Resolution Funding Purchase Of 10 Additional Flock Cameras, And 2024 Special Assessment Policy

The Finance Committee is meeting 11/20/2023 at 5:30PM. They three action items on the agenda, two resolutions and a request related to the city’s special assessment policy. The first resolution they will be taking up is Resolution 14-R-23 which would change the timeline for delivery […]

Board Of Health Approves Mental Health Awareness Resolution After Amending To Require $1 Million In ARPA Funds Be Provided As Grants To Local Mental Health Organizations – Amendment Opposed By Mayor Woodford And Alderperson Jones

The Board of Health met 10/11/2023. They spent around 40 minutes discussing the Mental Health Awareness and Services Resolution which signaled Appleton’s support of increased access to mental health services and also called Appleton to continue to work collaboratively with to identify gaps in services […]

Common Council Votes 15-0 To Approve $200,000 Grant To Habitat For Humanity After Alderperson Hartzheim Suggests Money Could Instead Be Used For City Infrastructure

The Common Council met 04/03/2023. One of the items separated out for an individual vote was the request to award $200,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to Habitat for Humanity. This was separated out for an individual vote by Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13). […]

Finance Committee Approves Items Related To Valley Transit Grants, Discusses City’s Lead/Galvanized Line Replacement Program, Approves Redevelopment Contract For Vosters Park

The Finance Committee met 02/20/2023. The meeting was brief, clocking in at just over 15 minutes in length, and the committee unanimously approved all action items. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the meeting for your downloading pleasure. Although it was a short meeting, several […]

Finance Committee Approves $1Million Affordable Housing ARPA Grant To RISE Apartments – Will Help Keep 48 Unit Affordable Housing Project Financially Solvent

The Finance Committee met 01/23/2023. A little over 20 minutes of that meeting was taken up with discussion on the request to award $1 million in American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds to RISE Apartments, LLC in the form of an affordable housing grant. The […]

Common Council Approved $150,000 Contract With Consultant To Help The City Administer ARPA Funds – Alderperson Chad Doran Expresses Opposition

Before I get into the recap, I just wanted to remind everyone that the City of Appleton is still collecting feedback on how to use the remainder of its ARPA funds. You can use the tool they have up on their website, or I would […]