The selfie sculpture the Appleton Downtown Inc was requesting to install in Houdini Plaza is on hold. ADI Executive Director Jennifer Stephany spoke at the Common Council meeting on 03/19/2025 and explained that the prices for materials had turned out to be too high to […]
Tag: Appleton Sculptures
Common Council Meeting 03/19/2025 – Will Review Request From AASD To Create New Anti-Truancy Ordinance, Vote On Selfie-Sculpture And Emissions Reduction Resolution
The Common Council is meeting 03/19/2025 at 7PM. They will be receiving a presentation from the Appleton Area School District in which the school district will explain the negative impact of truancy and then request that the Common Council create a local ordinance that would […]
Parks And Recreation Committee Votes 3-1 With 1 Abstention To Approve Houdini Plaza Selfie Sculpture – Discusses Purpose, Value, And Location Of “Selfie Station”
The Parks and Recreation Committee met 03/10/2025. One of the items they took up was the request from Creative Downtown Appleton, Inc to install a selfie sculpture in Houdini Plaza. There was some discussion about the purpose and value of the piece as well as […]
Appleton Public Arts Committee Votes In Favor Of Locator Pin Selfie Sculpture To Be Placed In Houdini Plaza
The Appleton Public Arts Committee met 03/05/2025. The one action item on their agenda was a request from Creative Downtown Appleton to install a selfie sculpture in Houdini Plaza. The committee voted unanimously to approve this request. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for […]
Appleton Avenue Of Ice 2023
Here are pictures from the 2023 Avenue of Ice. They seemed to have a tropical/vacation theme. I gotta say, I was not particularly feeling it this year. I guess it was fun enough, and there were a few fun designed; however, the sculptures overall come […]
Avenue Of Ice 2023 Currently Underway
The Avenue of Ice is taking place right now and over this weekend. They seem to have a tropical/vacation theme going on. It’s supposed to be 40 degrees tomorrow, so you may want to check the sculptures out sooner rather than later.
Collective Sculpture Sighted By Area 509
Guess who’s hanging out in the parking lot of Area 509 near the corner of Badger and Linwood? Yup, it’s everybody’s favorite Big Head. Presumably it’s being stored there until it can be shipped out to Bozeman, Montana. In fall of 2021, Alderperson Alex Schultz […]
Farewell To An Icon
He’s in a better place now. RIP sweet friend.
Appleton Avenue Of Ice 2022
I had a chance to check out the Avenue of Ice. There were some sculptures that were very similar to some sculptures from last year including the piggy bank, the penguin, and the “LOVE” sculpture, but there were a lot more sculptures this year than […]
Appleton Art Highlight: “Gyan/Gesture Of Conscience” By Kara James
It’s been a while since I’ve posted any artwork. Back in November, the Common Council vote to extend the leases of three Acre of Art sculptures. I’ve already posted pictures of Howard Russo’s “To The Moon, Alice” and Paul Bobrowitz’s “The Collective”. I have not, […]