Appleton Public Library Is Not Awarded $11 Million Grant For Library Project

The Appleton Public Library was not awarded an $11 million grant for the library project.Per the news article… Woodford said the gap between $28.4 million and the $39 million cost estimate will have to be made up by reducing the scope of the project or […]

Mayor’s Office Sends Out Press Release Indicating That Appleton Tax-Payers’ Portion Of The Library Project Remains Set At $26.4 Million

The Office of the Mayor has sent out a press release regarding the budget for the Library Project which reiterates that the taxpayer portion of the project remains set at $26.4 million. Per the press release, “the total building project cost is currently estimated at […]

Library Board Personnel And Policy Committee Meeting 10/29/2021 – Will Conduct Library Director Performance Review, Vote On Three Library Policies

The Library Board Personnel and Policy Committee is meeting 10/29/2021 at 12PM. They’ll be conducting the Library Director’s 2021 End of Year Performance Evaluation. This should be conducted in closed session. In open session they will be reviewing and voting on the APL Children’s Room […]

Library Board Meeting 08/17/2021 – Will Receive Building Project Update From Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill

The Library Board is meeting 08/17/2021 at 4:30PM. Some highlights include: A Building Project Update by the design firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. An update on the library’s masking policy. As of August 5th, the Appleton Public Library, along with all city facilities instituted a […]

Library Board Meeting 07/14/2021 – Will Vote On Finance Policy And 2022 Operating Budget

The Appleton Library Board is meeting 07/14/2021 at 1PM. They will be voting on updates to the Library’s Finance Policy and on the Library’s 2022 operating budget. View full meeting details here:|&Search=

Library Board Approves Proposal To Eliminate Overdue Fines At Appleton Public Library

On 06/15/2021, the Library Board voted to approve a proposal to make the Appleton Public Library a fine-free library. One member of the public participated in the public comment portion of the meeting. Nick Ross, Vice-President of the board of the Friends of Appleton Public […]

Library Board Meeting 06/15/2021; Will Consider Proposal To Become Fine Free Library

The Library Board is meeting 06/15/2021 at 4:30PM. Perhaps of most interest to the public is the fact that Library Director Colleen Rortvedt is proposing that the Appleton Public Library become a fine free library. She wrote a 5 page memo outlining the reasons to […]

City Of Appleton Seeks Members For Public Library Building Advisory Committee

The City of Appleton is forming an Appleton Public Library Building Advisory Committee. From the listing… Public input will continue to be a priority throughout this project. In addition to opportunities for the general public to offer feedback and engage in the design process, a […]