APD Community Advisory Board Meeting 10/05/2021 – Will Review A Number Of Items Including Afghani Refugee Resettlement

The Appleton Police Community Advisory Board is meeting 10/05/2021 at 6PM at the Appleton Area School District Diversity Center located at 2701 N. Oneida Street, Suite C1. They have been meeting via Zoom, but this will be an in-person meeting, and it’s not clear if […]

Appleton Police Department Community Advisory Board Meeting Scheduled 05/03/2021

The Appleton Police Department Community Advisory Board is meeting 05/03/2021 at 6pm via Zoom. The topics for the evening are “Arrest and Offender Demographics” and “Use of Force Training”. Their last presentation on Use of Force statistics for the last 10 years was very interesting. […]

APD Community Advisory Board Meeting Scheduled For 03/08/2021

The Appleton Police Community Advisory Board is meeting 03/08/2021 at 6pm. The topic will be “Crime in Appleton – Past, Present, and our Future”. Their last meeting which was about their mental health crisis response was, unfortunately not recorded due to technical issues. Hopefully, they […]


Here is the second half of the question and answer session that followed Chief Thomas’ 12/07/2020 presentation to the APD Community Advisory Board about Use of Force by the police. Question: The questioner hearkened back to a previous questioner who had expressed the view that […]

Questions And Answers From 12/07/2020 Police Community Advisory Board Meeting – Part 1

Following Chief Thomas’ Use of Force presentation to the Community Advisory Board on 12/07/2020 there was a question and answer session. I’m halfway through writing that up and have included that first half below. Question: The state requires a minimum of 24 hours of continuing […]

Karen Nelson on Appleton’s Participation In The Government Alliance On Race And Equity – “We are looking at tackling this thing from a totally structural standpoint.”

Karen Nelson, Appleton’s Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator, spoke at the 12/07/2020 Police Community Advisory Board Meeting about the Government Alliance On Race And Equity–the goals and focus of that group and what Appleton hopes to accomplish by being a part of GARE. She also mentioned […]

Appleton Police 10 Year Use Of Force Analysis (2010-2019)

On 12/07/2020 Appleton Police Chief Thomas gave a presentation to the Appleton Police Community Advisory Board on Use of Force by the APD. He reviewed the information that is available in the police department’s 2010-2019 Use of Force Analysis. The original document is 180 pages […]