Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/12/2024 – Will Vote On Fire Department Mutual Aid Agreement Between Appleton And Fox Crossing, Review Proposal To Add Traffic Officer To Police Department

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/12/2024 at 5:30PM. They have a full agenda, but most of it is simply license renewals as well as some temporary alcohol license applications all of which appear to be very routine. They will also be voting on […]

Fire Chief And Police Chief Review Factors Impacting Overtime In Their Departments

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 05/22/2024. During that meeting they received reports from Fire Chief Jeremy Hansen and Police Chief Polly Olson on the factors and issues that impact overtime payments in the Fire Department and the Police Department. I’ve prepared a transcript of […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Receives 2023 Annual Police Department Report – Discusses Drug Issues, Police Staffing Levels

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. During that meeting they received the 2023 Annual Report for the Police Department. Police Chief Polly Olson highlighted some of the areas of the report. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: There were some questions […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses Proposed Ordinance That Would Require Class B Bars And Restaurants To Install Video Surveillance Cameras And Make Footage Available To Police

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 02/27/2024. The meeting ran slightly more than 60 minutes, all but a couple of which were taken up with discussion about public safety ordinance changes proposed by Police Department. The Police would like to create an ordinance that would […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 02/28/2024 – Will Review And Discussion Proposed Ordinance That Would Require Bars And Restaurants That Serve Alcohol Install 24/7 Surveillance Cameras Accessible To Police

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 02/28/2024 at 5:30PM. Their action items consist of three alcohol license applications. The item of most interest and the one I would expect to take up the most amount of time is an information item about a proposed […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Request To Create Lead Forensic Evidence Specialist Position – Alderperson Siebers Expresses Hope That Police Chief Will One Day Ask To Add More Police Officers To Department

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 02/14/2024. One of the items they voted on was a request by the police department to create a Lead Forensic Evidence Specialist position. The forensic evidence unit is supervised by a police lieutenant but the three staff […]

Police And Fire Chiefs Talk To Safety And Licensing Committee About Staff And Recruitment Plans

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 02/14/2024. Half the meeting was taken up with Directors Reports from Police Chief Polly Olson and Fire Chief Jeremy Hansen. Chief Olson spoke about the Police Department’s plans to conduct a police staffing study to help them determine the […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 02/14/2024 – Will Vote On Lead Forensic Evidence Specialist Position

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 02/14/1014 at 4:30PM. They have one action item on their agenda which is a request by the Police Department to create a Lead Forensic Evidence Specialist position oversee the Evidence Unit. Currently, the unit is supervised […]

Finance Committee Passes Resolution To Reallocate $125,000 In ARPA Funds To Cover The Cost Of Leasing 10 Additional Flock License Plate Reader Cameras – Some Alderpersons Express Opposition

The Finance Committee met 12/11/2023. It was a long meeting taking nearly an hour and a half, 40 minutes of which was taken up with discussion and a vote on Resolution 13-R-23. The resolution initially called for the reallocation of $25,000 of American Rescue Act […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Reviews 2024 Police Department Budget – Alderperson Siebers Expresses Concern That Police Staffing Has Not Kept Pace With Growth Of The City

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 10/25/2023. One of the information items they reviewed was the 2024 Police Department Budget. The discussion was not long, but there were a couple concerns that were raised that I thought might be of note to the general public, […]