The Common Council met 05/01/2024. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was the Liquor License Premise Amendment application from OB’s Brau Haus that was needed to allow them to provide outdoor service during the day on the College Avenue amenity […]
Tag: Alcohol
Common Council Votes 8-6 To Approve Bartender License For Applicant With 5 OWI Convictions
The Common Council met 05/01/2024. One of the items they separated out for individual discussion was the Bartender/Operator License application for Miguel. This item was in and out of the Safety and Licensing Committee a couple times over the last month as the committee worked […]
City Plan Commission Approves Special Use Permit Facilitating Creation Of Garage Tavern At Badger Avenue Gas Station Location – One Neighbor Expresses Support Another Opposes
The City Plan Commission met 04/24/2024. One of the items they took up was a request to approve a special use permit to establish a tavern inside the garage storage space located at the gas station at 1201 N Badger Avenue, which is the gas […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Premise Amendment For OB’s Brau Hau Allowing Seating And Alcohol Sales Outside On College Avenue Amenity Strip
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/24/2024. One of the items they took up was the Liquor License Premise Amendment application from OB’s Brau Haus to allow the placement of 4 picnic tables outside along College Avenue and the service of alcohol to patrons at […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Bartender/Operator License For Applicant With OWI History
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/24/2024. The first action item they took up was the Operator/Bartender License application submitted by Miguel. This item has been in and out of committee and placed on hold since it first appeared before the committee a month ago. […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses State Law That Seems To Require Them To Approve Bartender License For Applicant With History Of Drunk Driving – Holds Item Until Next Meeting
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/10/2024. They spent 45 minutes of the 1-hour meeting discussing the Operator/Bartender license for Miguel. Miguel has a history of driving while intoxicated. For that reason, the Appleton Police Department initially recommended that his license application be denied. However, […]
Bartender/Operators License For Miguel Referred Back To Safety And Licensing Committee For Further Discussion
The Common Council met 04/03/2024. One of the items that came before them was the bartender/operators license for Miguel. This item was initially recommended for denial by the Police Department but ended up being approved by the Safety and Licensing Committee after they were told […]
Common Council Vote 13-0 With 1 Abstention To Deny Bartender/Operator License For Isaiah
The Common Council met 04/03/2024. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was the recommendation to deny the bartender/operator license for Isaiah. As was discussed at the Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, Isaiah needs the license in order to move into […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Reviews Two Operator/Bartender License Applications Recommended For Denial – In Line With State Statute They Deny One And Approve The Other
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. During the meeting, they took up two operator/bartender license applications that staff was recommending be denied. The committee ended up voting to deny one of the applications and approving the other. It was an interesting meeting because in […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 03/27/2024 – Will Discuss Recent Demerit Point Violation For Pillow Talk-N-Wine, Vote On Recommendations To Deny Two Bartender License Applications, Receive 2023 Annual Police Department Report
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting this evening, 03/27/2024, at 5:30PM. It looks like it has the potential to be a longer meeting. They will be conducting a Demerit Point Violation Appearance by a representative from Pillow Talk-N-Wine. The establishment recently received 50 demerit […]