The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/26/2021 at 4:30PM. They’ll be appointing a Vice-Chair as well as doing a few other organizational appointments. They will then be voting on adopting the Downtown Appleton Streetscape Design Guide. Per the design guide, “This document was developed to […]
Tag: Agenda
Common Council Meetings Scheduled for 04/21/2021 At 6PM and 7PM
The Common Council will be meeting 04/21/2021 at 7PM. This meeting will immediately follow the formal organizational meeting at 6PM. Some items of note. During the organizational meeting the committee members and committee chairs will be appointed; the Council members will elect a president and […]
Alderperson Swearing In Ceremony Followed By Informal Organizational Meeting Scheduled For 04/20/2021
The swearing in ceremony for the newly elected Common Cluncil members will take place Tuesday April 20 at 5:15PM in Houdini Plaza. The event is open to all members of the public After that, they’ll move over to the Council chambers at City Hall for […]
Library Board Meeting Scheduled For 04/20/2021
The Library Board is meeting 04/20/2021 at 4:30 PM There is going to be public participation by someone named Michael Vang. There are a couple Budget/Bill related action items. It also looks like the Board will be voting to change/update various city policies. For example, […]
Emmanuel United Methodist Church Seeks Zoning Variance To Erect A Second Sign Advertising Appleton Music Academy’s Presence In Their Building
The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 04/19/2021 at 7PM. I kind of love stuff like this. I find it really interesting to see some of the problems and issues that arise from local ordinances and how those issues are responded to. The last Board […]
Bicycle And Pedestian Advisory Comittee Meeting 04/15/2021
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is meeting 04/15/2021 at 3pm. They will be getting Department of Public Works project updates and a Downtown Streetscapes Design Guide update. They’ll also be discussing the 2021 Trails of the Fox Cities map as well as getting Parks […]
Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/14/2021
The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 04/14/2021. The main item of interest on the agenda is that they will be discussing Alderperson salaries. As you may recall, Alderperson Joe Martin (District 4) wanted to increase the salary by $4,000 to $10,125 a […]
Appleton Redevelopment Authority Meeting Scheduled For 04/14/2021
The Appleton Redevelopment Authority is meeting 04/14/2021 at 9AM. There is only one action item which is a request to approve reappointments to the Expo Center Advisory Committee. They will also be welcoming former state Assembly Representative Amanda Stuck to the ARA Committee. Beyond that, […]
Board Of Health Meeting Scheduled For 04/14/2021
The Board of Health is meeting 04/14/2021 at 7AM. On the agenda is the still ubiquitous Covid-19 update. Theoretically, there will be a 2020 Annual Report. The PDF attached to the agenda is literally just a one page cover sheet featuring pictures of a syringe, […]
Municipal Services Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/13/2021
The Municipal Services Committee is scheduled to meet 04/13/2021 at 5PM. They have three action items on the agenda. 1. Voting on a sole source contract with Patrick Engineering for professional services needed to complete the Wastewater Electrical Distribution Upgrades Phase 5 (Final Phase). This […]