Expo Center Advisory Committee Meeting Scheduled For 03/02/2021

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority Exhibition Center Advisory Committee is meeting 03/02/2021 at 1pm. There are no action items. There will be a presentation on the Exhibition Center’s booking summary as well as the feedback received from groups that have used the Fox Cities Exhibition Center. […]

City Plan Commission Meeting Scheduled For 02/23/2021

The City Planning Commission is meeting on 02/23/2021 at 4pm. There are a couple rezoning requests and a request to approve the First Addition to Broadway Hills Estates Annexation. It is delightful when meetings are mundane. View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=830365&GUID=B9822F06-8424-4E7B-927A-97F2DC179B16&Options=info|&Search=

Board of Education To Hold 9 Hour Coherent Governance Training Session On 02/19/2021

The Board of Education is holding a work session on 02/19/2021 from 8am to 5pm. They’ll be undergoing “Coherent Governance Implementation Training and Policy Development”. There was some discussion at the last meeting of Jim Clemons, the newest Board of Education member, attending this meeting […]