Finance Committee Meeting 05/20/2024 – Will Vote On Resolution Increasing Wheel Tax, Resolution Creating Responsible Bidder Policy

The Finance Committee is meeting 05/20/2024 at 5:30PM. They will be taking up two resolutions. The first is Resolution 5-R-24 which would increase the annual wheel tax from $20 to $30. This item had been held at the previous committee meeting because Alderperson Firkus, one […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 05/20/2024 – Will Discuss Bird E-Scooters

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 05/20/2024 at 4:30PM. The item on the agenda of most interest to the public will probably be the information item which looks like it will be a discussion of some sort regarding the Bird scooters. The action items on […]

Common Council Votes Down Resolution That Would Have Allowed On-Street Overnight Parking – Alderperson Siebers Indicates He Will Continue To Work On Finding Solutions

The Common Council met 05/15/2025. One of the items they separated out and took up individuals was Resolution 11-R-23 regarding allowing overnight on street parking. It ended up being voted down by a vote of 8-4. The resolution was prompted by parking issues experienced by […]

Alderpersons Fenton, Smith, And Van Zeeland Introduce Resolution Setting Responsible Bidder Policy For City Of Appleton

During the 05/15/2024 Common Council meeting one resolution was introduced. If passed as written, Resolution 6-R-24 would establish a responsible bidder policy for the City of Appleton. It was submitted by Alderpersons Denise Fenton (District 6), Martyn Smith (District 4), and Katie Van Zeeland. The […]

Library Board Members Hold Trustee Development Discussion – Talk About “An Exploratory Social Justice Framework to Develop Public Library Services with Underserved Families”

The Library Board met 05/14/2024. As an information item and as part of their trustee development training, they engaged in a discussion around an article entitled “An Exploratory Social Justice Framework to Develop Public Library Services with Underserved Families.” This was the first part of […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Receives First 6-Month Update On Gold Cross Ambulance Performance In City

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 05/08/2024. One of the information items they received was a 6-month review of the shared service agreement between Gold Cross ambulance service and the City of Appleton Fire Department. Back in August of 2023, the Safety and Licensing Committee […]

Common Council Meeting 05/15/2024 – Will Mark Fifth Anniversary Of AFD Fire Fighter Mitch Lundgaard’s Murder, Vote On Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution

The Common Council is meeting 05/15/2024 at 7PM. The mayor’s business portion of the agenda is somewhat heavy. Not only will Mayor Woodford be presenting 5 mayoral proclamations, but he will also be presenting the Appleton Police Department Civilian Community Service Award to Caleb Daguanno […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Changes To Downtown Parking And Meter Bag Policy, Approves 15 Minute Loading Zone By YMCA

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/06/2024. Outside of the resolution regarding overnight on-street parking, only two other action items generated discussion. One was the revisions to the Downtown Appleton Parking and Meter Bag Policy and the other was a request to approve the conversion of […]

City Plan Commission Approves Rezoning And Additions Associated With Emerald Valley Subdivision

The City Plan Commission met 05/08/2024. Their action items were all related to the Emerald Valley subdivision on the north side of Appleton near Providence Avenue and Aquamarine Avenue. One was a request to rezone the 8th addition to the subdivision from Agricultural to Residential. […]