Transit Commission Approves Reduction To Fix Route Bus Schedule Hours And Move To Demand Response Connector Service – Move Characterized As A “Transition” Not “Cutting”

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 06/11/2024. The item that took up most of the meeting’s time was the request to approve the request to reduce evening and Saturday hours for fixed route buses and replace that service with the Valley Transit Connector service to […]

Municipal Services Committee Discusses Pesticide Prohibition Resolution – Votes To Hold Item For 2 Weeks To Give Staff Time To Provide More Details On Pesticide Use By The City

The video for the Municipal Services Committee meeting on 06/10/2024 was posted Thursday of last week, and I have been able to prepare a transcript of the discussion regarding Resolution 4-R-24, the resolution which would prohibit the use by city staff and contractors of a […]

Library Board Meeting 06/18/2024 – Will Vote On Brand Identity Update And Request To Bill Winnebago County For Services Provided, Engage In Second Part Of Trustee Development Training Regarding Using A Social Justice Framework To Serve Underserved Families

The Library Board is meeting 06/18/2024 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on a request to spend $18,000 to update the library’s branding ahead of the opening of the new building. They will also be voting on a request to authorize the Appleton Public Library […]

Board Of Health Reviews Two Tuberculosis Related Items – Approves Updates To Tuberculosis Screening Policy, Reviews Increase To Public Health Nursing FTE In Response To Increased Tuberculosis Cases

The Board of Health met 06/12/2024. There were two items on the agenda that pertained to tuberculosis in the Fox Cities. One was an action item, which was to review and approve the city’s existing Tuberculosis Screening Policy. The second was an information item regarding […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 06/17/2024 – Will Take Up Variance Requests From Two Property Owners Pertaining To Garages

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 06/17/2024 at 7PM. They will be taking up variance requests for two properties. The first two variances are for a property on Leminwah Street. The property owner wants to build an attached garage closer to the side lot […]

Municipal Services Committee Holds Lil Taco Street Occupancy Permit Application For 2 Weeks – Seeks Feedback From Police Department On Advisability Of Allowing Picnic Tables To Be Placed Near State Street And College Avenue

The Municipal Services Committee met 06/10/2024. One of the items they took up was a request from Lil Taco for a street occupancy permit to place picnic tables on the sidewalk outside of their taco business on State Street near the intersection of State Street […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Stop Negotiations With Bird Inc, Create Ordinance Prohibiting Short-Term Scooter Rentals In City – Possibility Remains Open For Creating New Scooter Rental Program In Future

The Municipal Services Committee met 06/10/2024. One of the issues they took up and voted on was how to proceed with Bird scooters going forward. The committee ended up voting unanimously to cease negotiating with Bird Inc for a scooter program in 2024. This formalized […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Reviews Environmental Education Resolution – Votes To Hold It At Committee Indefinitely

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 06/12/2024. One of the items they took up was the Environmental Education Resolution. This resolution was authored by former Alderperson Israel Del Toro (formerly District 4) as well as current Alderpersons Vered Meltzer (District 2) and Alex […]

Board Of Health Receives 2 Dangerous Animal Declarations – Health Officer Sepers Reports That Both Animals Have Either Been Rehomed Or Destroyed

The Board of Health met 06/12/2024. They reviewed two dangerous animal declarations. Cedar, a Great Dane, was declared a dangerous animal after an incident on 05/13/2024 in which, unprovoked, he attacked another dog and two humans. Per the incident summary, “The severity of wounds sustained […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Takes Up Resolution Prohibiting Pesticide Use By City Workers – Amends It To Remove Ban And To Merely Require An Accounting Of Pesticide Purchases Moving Forward

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 06/10/2024. They spent 1 hour and 15 minutes discussing Resolution 4-R-24 which, as originally written, would have banned the use and purchase of certain pesticides by City of Appleton employees and contractors. It also included one sentence requiring the […]