Half of Appleton Small Businesses Will Go Under If Consumer Spending Doesn’t Return To Pre-Covid Levels By The End Of The Year

Just a reminder, Mayor Woodford declared November 28 through December 4 Small Business Week in Appleton and urges all Fox Cities residents to support small businesses and merchants during this week. Particularly noteworthy is the Mayor’s statement in the proclamation that “more than half of […]

Library Board Meeting Scheduled 11/30/2020

The Library Board is meeting 11/30 at 4pm. There is but one item on the agenda–the Library Director’s 2020 end of year performance review. I had no idea that was something that was done publicly. Full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=816438&GUID=A7B2B27A-91E0-41F1-BB20-4FBCE988187E&Options=info|&Search=

Video of Health Officer Eggebrecht Answering Questions About New Coronavirus Reporting Format

The city of Appleton posted a video of Health Officer Kurt Eggebrecht answering questions surrounding the Department of Health’s decision to start reporting probable cases of coronavirus in addition to confirmed cases. You can view it here: https://www.facebook.com/appletoncityhall/videos/197144535222792/