Safety And Licensing Committee Holds Taxicab Driver Application Until Next Meeting To Give Police More Time To Contact Applicant

The Safety and Licensing committee met 06/22/2022. It was a brief meeting, clocking in at under 10 minutes. I had been hoping that there might be an interesting discussion regarding the taxicab drivers license application, because it looked like Torrey, the applicant, had a somewhat […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/22/2022 – Will Take Up Convicted Felon’s Taxi Driver Application

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/22/2022 at 5:30PM. They have several temporary alcohol license applications, a permanent premise amendment application, some mechanical amusement device license renewals, and a taxicab company license renewal. While most of the items seems pretty straightforward, the first action […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/08/2022 – Will Vote On Multiple License Applications

 The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/08/2022 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on a number of license related items be they initial applications, renewals, or change of agent requests. They will also review upcoming special events, received reports from the City Clerk, Fire […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 05/25/2022 – Will Vote On Multiple License Applications

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/25/2022 at 5:30PM. The action items on the agenda consist entirely of various license and license renewal applications. I would expect it to be a short meeting, but one never knows with complete certainty. View full meeting details […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Recommends Option 2 Redistricting Map Creating Fewer New Wards, Adjusting Line Between Aldermanic Districts 3 And 4 To Conform With Redistricting Requirements

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 05/11/2022 and took up the redistricting modifications required by the April 15, 2022, Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling. After a brief discussion, they ended up recommending Option 2 for approval. Alderperson Chris Croatt (District 14) asked Clerk Kami Lynch to […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Determined Excessive Vehicle Noise Resolution Is Unnecessary – Expresses Optimism At Steps Police Department Is Taking To Tackle Vehicle Noise

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 05/11/2022 and took up Resolution 14-R-21, the Excessive Vehicle Noise Resolution. This had been discussed in September of 2021 at which time the committee voted to hold the resolution to give staff time to research the issues further. Per […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Denies Bartender License – Holds Out Hope That If Applicant Demonstrates Personal Improvement That They Could Approve A License In The Future

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 05/11/2022. The first action item they took up was the bartender license application for Jacob. Jacob wanted to bartend at the Durty Leprechaun, but the Police Department was recommending that his application for a bartender’s license be denied due […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 05/11/2022 – Will Vote On Redrawn Ward Map, Excessive Vehicle Noise Resolution

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/11/2022 at 5:30PM. It appears to be a somewhat eventful meeting with a couple items of particular interest to the public. On April 15, the Wisconsin Supreme Court adopted the legislative district map drawn by the state legislature. […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 04/27/2022 – Will Vote On Table Of Organization Change For Fire Department, Receive Information On Police Department Traffic Safety Unit

The Safety And Licensing Committee is meeting 04/27/2022 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on hazard mitigation plan agreements with Winnebago and Calumet counties. They also have a number of alcohol licenses to vote on including a Class “B” Beer and “Class B” Liquor License […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Revoke Alcohol License For Core’s Lounge

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/13/2022. They spent the majority of the meeting reviewing evidence and testimony in the Alcohol License Revocation Hearing for Core’s Lounge, LLC – Kor Xiong, Agent. In total, the committee was in open session for nearly 2 hours and […]