Appleton Ceases Contract Negotiations With Bird Inc – Will Not Seek New Contract For E-Scooters

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/08/2024 and, as an information item, received an update on Bird scooters. It looks like Bird scooters in Appleton will be no more. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: The initial memo submitted to the committee indicated […]

Municipal Services Committee Deadlocks On Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution – Votes To Hold It For 30 Days

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/08/2024. The item that took up the bulk of their time was the Resolution 11-R-23 which would allow overnight on-street parking with the purchase of a monthly parking permit. This resolution was first introduced back in October of 2023, but […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Street Occupancy Permit For Trout Museum Project – Discusses Desire To Work With Boldt To Provide Access Through Drew Street On Weekends

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/08/2024. One of the items they  voted on was a street occupancy permit from Boldt pertaining to the Trout Museum project on the corner of Drew and College. Boldt was asking for a license to “Occupy the public right-of-way within […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 04/08/2024 – Will Vote On On-Street Overnight Parking Resolution, Discuss Bird Scooter Bankruptcy

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/08/2024 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on Resolution 11-R-23 regarding allowing overnight parking on city streets for people who purchase a monthly parking permit. This resolution was first introduced back in October of 2023, but was held several […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Complete Streets Policy And Associated Documents – Discusses Equity Around Prioritizing Pedestrian Crossings

The Municipal Services Committee met 03/25/2024. One of the items they took up was the request to approve the Complete Streets documents consisting of the Complete Streets Policy, the Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Policy, Priority Project Locations, and the Complete Streets Design Guide. The Complete Streets […]

Municipal Services Committee Accepts Withdrawal Of Proposed Changes To Food Truck Ordinance

The Municipal Services Committee met 03/25/2024. The first action item on the agenda was the proposed modification to the Central Business District Street Vendors Ordinance which, if passed, would have required food trucks in downtown Appleton to close down at midnight. City staff ended up […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 03/25/2024 – Will Vote On Street Vendor Ordinance Changes, Approve Updated Complete Streets Policy

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 03/25/2024 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on the request to require street vendors in the Central Business District to close at midnight instead of 4AM as a way to reduce gatherings at and around bar close time—gatherings that […]

Municipal Services Committee Receives Update On College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Project – Traffic Times Nominally Impacted, Crashes Down, Main Public Complaints Focus On Merge Points

Back at the end of February during the 02/26/2024 Municipal Services Committee, the committee received a report on the July 2023 – January 2024 period of the College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Pilot Period. I didn’t have an opportunity at the time to recap the discussion, […]

Municipal Services Committee Holds Overnight Parking Resolution Until 04/08/2024 Meeting – Hopes To Find Way To Meet DNR Stormwater Regulations While Also Allowing Overnight On-Street Parking

The Municipal Services Committee met 03/11/2024. One of the items they took up for discussion was Resolution 11-R-23 which calls for allowing overnight on-street parking with a monthly permit. This resolution was authored by Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) and was initially introduced back in […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Hold Street Vendor Ordinance Proposal Until 03/25/2024 Meeting – Expresses Hesitancy To Require Food Trucks To Close At Midnight Instead of 4AM

The Municipal Services Committee met 03/11/2024. One of the items they took up was the request to approve modifications to the Central Business District Street Vendors Ordinance. Currently, food trucks/street vendors in the downtown area are allowed to stay open until 4PM. The ordinance changes […]