Municipal Services Committee Meeting 05/20/2024 – Will Discuss Bird E-Scooters

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 05/20/2024 at 4:30PM. The item on the agenda of most interest to the public will probably be the information item which looks like it will be a discussion of some sort regarding the Bird scooters. The action items on […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Changes To Downtown Parking And Meter Bag Policy, Approves 15 Minute Loading Zone By YMCA

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/06/2024. Outside of the resolution regarding overnight on-street parking, only two other action items generated discussion. One was the revisions to the Downtown Appleton Parking and Meter Bag Policy and the other was a request to approve the conversion of […]

Slide Deck Regarding Bird E-Scooter Virtual Docking System Is Posted

The minutes for the Municipal Services Committee meeting on 05/06/2024 were published yesterday. They included a PDF of a slide deck pertaining to the discussion that took place at that meeting between the committee members and a Bird representative. The slides give a brief overview […]

Representative Of Bird Rides Speaks To Municipal Services Committee – Asks To Continue E-Scooter Program In Appleton, Provides Information On New Virtual Docking Ports

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/06/2024. As an information item, they met with a representative of the company that manages the Bird Scooters. Adam Davis, the Principal Government Partnerships Manager at Bird appeared before the committee and told them Bird hoped to remain in partnership […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes 4-1 Against Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/06/2024. The agenda item that took up the most amount of time was the resolution regarding on-street overnight parking, and the committee ended up voting 4-1 to deny it. Alderperson William Siebers made a motion to amend the resolution to […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 05/06/2024 – Will Vote On Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 05/06/2024 at 4:30PM. They will, once again, be taking up the resolution that would allow overnight parking in some fashion to take place within the city of Appleton. It has been in and out of committee since late last […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Summer Placement Of Parklet Near Library

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/22/2024. One of the items they voted on was a request from Appleton Downtown Inc to install a parklet near the northwest corner of Washington Street and Appleton Street from May 30 – October 31. This was the same location […]

Municipal Services Committee Receives 2023 Annual Parking Utility Report – Parking Utility Had Net Revenue Of $100,000 In 2023 Because It Received $500,000 In ARPA Funds

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/22/2024. As an information item, they received the 2023 Annual Parking Utility Report. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: The report was fairly brief. They reviewed the parking inventory and parking ramp features, and noted that in […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Street Design Parameters For Emerald Valley Subdivision – Staff Discusses Benefits Of New Street Design Approval Process

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/22/2024. One of the items they took up was the request to approve the roadway design parameters for the roads planned for additions 8, 9, and 10 of the Emerald Valley subdivision. This was the first roadway to a subdivision […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 04/22/2024 – Will Receive Parking Utility 2023 Annual Report

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/22/2024 at 4:30PM. They will be engaging in some new Council year housekeeping such as electing a Vice Chair and confirming the meeting date and time. They have three non-administrative action items on the agenda. The first is a […]