Apparently, appointments are no longer required to get a Covid test at the Expo Center testing location.
Category: Coronavirus
Items related to coronavirus
Coronavirus Numbers For 01/25/2021
On 01/25/2021 Appleton reported 21 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 5 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 1 and cases out of isolation increased by 25. There were no new deaths.
Covid Update At 01/20/2021 Common Council Meeting
Health Officer Kurt Eggebrecht gave a Covid update at the 01/20/2021 Common Council meeting. He reviewed the current number of cases and then remarked that we’re nearing the one year anniversary of when we saw our first cases. The last time the Common Council met […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 01/24/2021
On 01/24/2021 Appleton reported 13 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 4 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 3. Cases out of isolation increased by 14. There were no new deaths. Over the last week we had 131 total confirmed cases and 36 total probable […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 01/23/2021
On 01/23/2021 Appleton reported 8 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 8 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 4. Cases out of isolation increased by 12. There were no new deaths. Counting both confirmed and probable cases, 9.86% of Appleton residents have had coronavirus thus […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 01/22/2021
On 01/22/2021 Appleton reported 14 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 0 new probable cases. Active cases dropped by a whopping 76. Cases out of isolation increased by by an equally impressive 90. There were no new deaths.
Lee Snodgrass And Her Office Will Refer To Mask Opponents As “Pro-Death” Going Forward
Appleton’s Assembly Representative is taking a strong stance on the issue of masks. Original tweet here:
Coronavirus Numbers For 01/21/2021
On 01/21/2021 Appleton reported 44 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 0 probable cases. Active cases dropped by 45. Cases out of isolation increased by 88. One new death. Of note, active cases are down 84 from a week ago and 98 from 2 weeks ago.
Coronavirus Numbers For 01/20/2021
On 01/20/2021 Appleton reported 24 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 11 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 8. Cases out of isolation increased by 27. There were no new deaths. Of note, the 7 day running average of both confirmed and probable cases is […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 01/19/2021
The city was quite late updating their covid dashboard today, and now I am even later in reporting the numbers to you. Case numbers for 01/19/2021 were very positive. There were only 10 new confirmed cases and 4 new probable cases. Active cases decreased by […]