Excess Fund Balance Allocations Referred Back To Finance Committee By Common Council After Attempt To Amend To Cover Cost Of Transportation Utility Study

The Common Council met 07/21/2021. The item that resulted in the most discussion was the allocation of excess General Funds. During the Finance Committee meeting, Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) had requested that the allocations be changed to allow funding for the transit utility study […]

Common Council Votes To Implement Changes To Leaf, Yard Waste, And Bulky Overflow Pickup

The Common Council voted to implement changes to how the Department Of Public Works collects leaves, yard waste, and bulky overflow. The Post Crescent has a nice write up which you can read here: https://www.postcrescent.com/story/news/local/2021/07/21/appleton-makes-changes-leaf-collection-bulky-item-pickup-2022/8031143002/

Common Council Meeting 07/21/2021 – Will Vote On Issuing Bonds, The Allocation Of Over $5 Million General Fund Dollars, And Possibly A Transportation Utility Study

The Common Council is meeting 07/21/2021 at 7PM. The Mayor will be presenting two proclamations, appointing two people to the Library Board, and recommending that current Deputy Human Resources Director Jay Ratchman who is currently serving as the interim director be hired to serve as […]

Alderpersons Firkus And Doran Explain How Transportation Utilities Work And Explain Their Goals In Asking For Studying The Creation Of A Transportation Utility In Appleton

As previously posted, Alderpersons Brad Firkus (District 3) and Chad Doran (District 15) recently submitted resolution #9-R-21 which, if passed, would direct the mayor to include in the 2022 executive budget funds to pay a consulting firm to “determine the feasibility of creating a transportation […]

Alderperson Denise Fenton’s Invocation At 07/07/2021 Common Council Meeting – “Kindness without justice fails in compassion. It cannot mean a lack of accountability for causing harm.”

[Note: this invocation was given at the second Common Council meeting held after Mayor Woodford’s statement to to the alderpersons at the 06/15/2021 Informal Organizational Meeting and seems to be connected to some of the same issues he raised.] Council President Matt Reed: Tonight’s invocation […]

Appleton Alderperson Joe Martin Confirms He Will Not Be Seeking Another Term

Alderperson Joe Martin (District 4) mentioned during the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting that he was not running for reelection next year. He is in the middle of his seventh term, so once it’s over he will have served as alderperson for the City of Appleton […]

Common Council Approves Resolution And Code Changes Allowing For The Construction Of Accessory Dwelling Units In Appleton

During the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, the alderpersons took up the resolution and proposed changes to the Municipal Code related to allowing Accessory Dwelling Units to be built in Appleton. One member of the public appeared and made public comment on this issue. Rhonda said […]

After Appleton Common Council Asks That Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program Be Renewed For 10 Years At $70 Million Per Year, State Legislature Renews It For 4 Years At $33.2 Million Per Year

You may remember that back on 06/02/2021 the Common Council voted to approve Resolution #8-R-21 regarding the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program. The resolution called for the program to be renewed for 10 years with an annual budget of $70 million. There had been some differing views among […]

Alderpersons Firkus And Doran Introduce Resolution To Study Charging Appleton Properties A Quarterly Fee To Pay For Road Maintenance

At the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, Alderpersons Brad Firkus (District 3) and Chad Doran (District 15) introduced a resolution asking that money be included in the 2022 budget for “the Department of Public Works to work with a consulting firm to determine the feasibility of […]

Common Council Votes To Update Future Lease Contracts To Prevent The Display Of Political Signs On City-Owned Property

During the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, the Council took up Resolution #5-R-21 regarding political signs on City-owned property. This resolution was submitted on April 7, 2021 by former Alderperson Kyle Lobner (District 13) in response to the display of campaign signs for current Alderperson Sheri […]