Common Council Approves Apostolic Truth Church Rezoning Request – 5 Alderpersons Abstain From Voting, Giving No Indication As To Why

The Common Council met 06/15/2022. The only items of business underwent individual votes, both of which were related to the building of a new building for the Apostolic Truth Church (ATC) on the north side of Appleton. One item was an amendment to the city’s […]

Street Terrace Policy Modifications Resolution Introduced At 06/15/2022 Common Council Meeting – Would Allow Property Owners To Plant 3 or 4 Foot High Vegetable Gardens In Terraces

Alderperson Israel Del Toro (District 4) sponsored a resolution which was submitted during the 06/15/2022 Common Council meeting. Resolution #7-R-22 regarding Street Terrace Policy Modifications would, if passed as written, allow property owners who wish to develop their terraces to register with the city and […]

Alderperson Vered Meltzer’s Invocation At 06/15/2022 Common Council Meeting – “That which threatens the LGBTQ community and dehumanizes us is also a threat to democracy in general and to American freedom as a whole.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Meltzer. Alderperson Meltzer (District 2): Thank you. I’d like to first start with saying that I hope that everyone is taking care and staying safe out there tonight with the weather that we’re having. So, since […]

Common Council Meeting 06/15/2022 – Will Receive Presentation From The League Of Wisconsin Municipalities, Vote On Apostolic Truth Church Rezoning Request

The Common Council is meeting 06/15/2022 at 7PM. There are several items of business that will be presented by the mayor. Those include two proclamations, some committee appointments, a recommendation for a city assessor, and a presentation from the League of Wisconsin Municipalities. It looks […]

Water Main Resolution Passed After Being Stripped Of Language That Would Reallocate ARPA Dollars; Council Votes To Ask The State To Give The City $35.1 Million

On 06/01/2022 Resolution 5-R-22, the Water Main Resolution, was taken up first by a joint meeting of the Finance and Utilities Committee and then by the full Common Council. During the joint committee meeting, the resolution was amended to remove the language about reallocating American […]

In Narrow 6-8 Vote, Common Council Denies Soldier’s Square Revitalization Resolution

The Appleton Common Council met 06/01/2022. One of the items they took up was Resolution 6-R-22, the Soldier’s Square Resolution. The resolution was recommended for denial twice by the Municipal Services Committee, and the Common Council ended up also denying it by a narrow 6-8 […]

Alderperson Nate Wolff’s Invocation At 06/01/2022 Common Council Meeting – “[LGBTQ members believe] what the city and what activists around the city have done has helped them immensely, has saved lives, and will continue to make kids know that they are welcomed in our community, and that is something that we need to continue to push for.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alder Wolff. Nate Wolff (District 12): I just wanna–okay we’re good. Thank you. All right. So this month is Pride Month. June. And I couldn’t be happier about the progress we’ve made over the past 6 years. […]

Common Council Meeting 06/01/2022 – Will Vote On Soldier’s Square Resolution

The Common Council is meeting 06/01/2022 at 7PM. Mayor Woodford will be presenting a number of proclamations including Pride Month, CPR & AED Awareness Week, Gun Violence Awareness Day, Juneteenth Celebration, and Refugee Day. It was a fairly light committee week. One item of note […]

Common Council Receives Overview Of Library Project – Director Gazza Discusses Budget Challenges

The Common Council met 05/18/2022. Nearly an hour of the meeting was taken up by a presentation on the library project which Mayor Woodford wanted to do to bring the new council members up to speed on the project and make sure that all the […]

Common Council Votes To Approve Issuance Of $15.53 Million In General Obligation Promissory Notes And $11.71 Million In Sewerage System Revenue Bonds

On 05/18/2022 the Common Council voted to approve the issuance of $15,530,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes and $11,710,000 Sewerage System Revenue Bonds. This borrowing is an annual thing that the city does and is used to fund the Capital Improvement Plan and utility projects. During […]