Common Council Meeting 05/04/2022 – Will Vote On Request To Withdraw Anti-Pipeline Resolution

The Common Council is meeting 05/04/2022 at 7PM. The committee meetings have been pretty light on action items that have garnered a lot of discussion or disagreement, so it’s hard to tell what if anything might be separated out for individual votes. One item that […]

Common Council Updates Rules – Approves Rule Allowing The Withdrawal Of Resolutions, Rule Allowing More Flexibility For Scheduling Committee Meeting Times

The Common Council held two organizational meetings last week, an informal meeting on 04/19/2022 and a formal meeting on 04/20/2022. During those two meetings, particularly the informal meeting, they discussed proposed rules changes for the Council and then during the formal meeting they voted on […]

Common Council Separates Three Items For Individual Votes – New Members Learn About Council Procedures

The Common Council met 04/20/2022. It was the first meeting of the new Council year so, although none of the items taken up were particularly remarkable, there was some education on Council procedures that was worked into the meeting. When it came time to establish […]

Common Council Approves The Sole Source Purchase Of A Fire Truck From Pierce Manufacturing – Paying Before May 1 Will Result In At Least $90,000 In Savings

The Common Council met 04/20/2022. Outside of the fact that it was the first regular Common Council meeting of the new Council year, the meeting was uneventful. The action item that resulted in the most discussion was the request to purchase a fire truck via […]

Alderperson Vered Meltzer’s Invocation At 04/20/2022 Common Council Meeting – “I think we all strive to be the same person.”

Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Meltzer. Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2): Thank you. The invocation I’m going to deliver tonight is the very first invocation that I every delivered at Council in August of 2014. And I feel that with the seating […]

Two Resolutions Introduced During 04/20/2022 Common Council Meeting – Water Main Resolution and Soldier’s Square Resolution

Two resolutions were introduced during the 04/20/2022 Common Council meeting. Resolution #5-R-22 Water Main Resolution was submitted by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15). It notes that the City of Appleton is borrowing for roughly 80% of annual road projects and experienced a near record amount […]

Common Council Meeting 04/20/2022 – Will Hold Formal Organizational Meeting And Then First Regular Meeting Of New Council Year

The new Common Council will be holding its first formal meetings 04/20/2022. The first will be the formal organizational meeting at 6pm. The second will be the regular Council meeting at 7PM. During the formal organizational meeting they will deliberate and vote on rules changes […]

Common Council Informal Organizational Meeting 04/19/2022 – Will Discuss Potential Rule Changes

On 04/18/2022 at 5:15PM the recently elected alderpersons will be sworn in during a ceremony in Houdini Plaza. After that, at 6PM, they will hold an informal organizational meeting. This is an opportunity for them to review and discuss potential rule changes. They won’t vote […]