Alderperson Nate Wolff’s Invocation At 10/19/2022 Common Council Meeting – “Today, I will be reading, in its entirety, ‘The Raven’ by Edgar Allan Poe.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alder Wolff. Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) Thank you. All right. Today, I will be reading, in its entirety, “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe. Awesome. However, due to time constraints and the likelihood that I would […]

Common Council Approves Amendment To Comprehensive Plan Codifying Vision For Soldier’s Square

The Common Council met 10/19/2922. It was a relatively brief and uneventful meeting. One of the items separated out for an individual vote was a request to approve an amendment to the city’s Comprehensive Plan regarding the Soldier’s Square/YMCA Parking Ramp area. The change would […]

After Alderperson Doran’s Motion To Amend Is Ruled Out Of Order, Common Council Unanimously Approves 2023 Add-On Water Main Replacement Project List

The Appleton Common Council met 10/19/2022. It was not a long meeting, clocking it at just under 24 minutes long. When I posted the agenda for the meeting, I noted that there didn’t seem to be any particularly controversial items or even any items that […]

Common Council Meeting 10/19/2022 – Agenda Items All Seem Uncontroversial

The Common Council is meeting 10/19/2022 at 7PM. It looks like it has the potential to be a fairly uneventful meeting. There are neither proclamations nor anything else listed under the “Business Presented By The Mayor”, and, in looking at the various items to be […]

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s Invocation At 10/05/2022 Common Council Meeting – “Lord, help us here in this chamber and in our own neighborhoods to give each other the benefit of the doubt, and to trust that we each have the same end goals of helping this city and everyone in it to grow and thrive.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Hartzheim. Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13): My dad was often famous, or maybe I mean infamous, for the phrase “I once thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.” He also really liked the song “It’s […]

2023 Budget Would Raise Taxes By 6.6%, Sewer Utility Rate By 4% – Mayor Woodford Makes High Level Presentation To Common Council On 2023 Executive Budget

A couple days ago the Post Crescent published a good high-level overview of the 2023 executive budget proposed by Mayor Woodford which you can read here: The proposed budget includes a 6.6% property tax increase, which is an extra $116 on a home valued […]

Common Council Votes 13-2 To Pass Resolution In Support Of Election Officials

The Common Council met 10/05/2022. One of the items they took up was Resolution #11-R-22 a Resolution in Support of Election Officials. This resolution was recommended for approval by the Safety and Licensing Committee by a 4-1 vote, and during the 10/05/2022 Common Council meeting […]

Recap Of Common Council Discussion And Vote Regarding Proposal To Relocated Trout Museum To Ellen Kort Peace Park

The Common Council met 10/05/2022 and ended up voting 8-7 to proceed with discussions on the Trout Museum of Art’s proposal to construct a new museum building within the Ellen Kort Peace Park. On 10/06/2022 I recapped the presentation the Trout Museum representatives gave to […]

Common Council Approves Variance Allowing Property Owner To Install 12-Foot Driveway Extension Into Front Yard

The Common Council on 10/05/2022. One of the items they took up was a variance request from a property owner to install a 12-foot-wide driveway extension into their front yard. City code only allows 4-foot-wide driveway extensions into front yards, while 12-foot-wide extensions must be […]

Trout Museum Of Art Gives Presentation To Common Council On Proposal To Build Facility In Ellen Kort Peace Park, Provides Concept Drawing Of Museum Facility

The Common Council met 10/05/2022 in a special session. The purpose of the session was for the Council to receive a presentation from the Trout Museum of Art on their proposal to build a new museum building within Ellen Kort Peace Park and then vote […]