The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met earlier this evening. They had planned to be in closed session for 1 hour but ended up being in it for almost 2 so the open portion of the meeting got a very late start. Highlights: […]
Author: All Things Appleton
City Plan Commission Meeting Scheduled For 03/23/2021
The City Planning Commission is meeting on 03/23/2021 at 4pm. They have two items on the agenda. 1. “Request to approve repealing and recreating Article X of Chapter 23 of the Municipal Code relating to Floodplain Zoning and the Official Map”. This appears to mostly […]
A Pisco Mar Mystery
A good mystery is alway fun. Keep it classy, Appleton.
Coronavirus Numbers For 03/21/2021
On 03/21/2021 Appleton recorded 10 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 1 new probable case. Active cases rose by 8 to 279. Cases out of isolation increased by 3 to 7,897. Deaths remained unchanged at 63. We have gone 3 complete weeks without any new deaths. […]
History Museum Mural Blocked By New Building
I hope everybody got a chance to view the mural on the west wall of the History Museum At The Castle while they still could because it’s totally covered up by the wall of the new building going in next to it. I always thought […]
Finance Committee Meeting Scheduled For 03/22/2021
The Finance Committee is meeting 03/22/2021 at 5:30pm. They only have 3 action items. 1. Request to award the “City of Appleton’s 2021 Pierce Park Lighting Upgrades Phase 2 Project contract to Elmstar Electric Corp” for a project total of $125,046 2. ”Request to approve […]
Board of Education Meeting Scheduled For 03/22/2021
The Board of Education is scheduled to meet 03/22/2012. They will meet in closed session starting at 5pm and then in open session at 6pm or as soon as the closed session is over, whichever is later. The closed session will happen “pursuant to ss. […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 03/20/2021
On 03/20/2021 Appleton recorded 5 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 3 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 1 to 271. Cases out of isolation increased by 7 to 7,894. For the 20th day in a row, there have been no new deaths and they […]
Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Scheduled For 03/22/2021
The Parks and Recreation Committee will be meeting 03/22/2021 at 6:30pm. They have one action item: Award the City of Appleton’s “2021 Linwood Park Playground Equipment Project” contract to Lee Recreation, LLC in an amount not to exceed $85,000 They’ll also be reviewing the 2020 […]
Municipal Services Committee Meeting Scheduled For 03/22/2021
The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 03/22/2021 at 4:30 pm. They have quite a few items on the agenda. They’ll be voting on approving an agreement to improve a turn lane near College Avenue and 441. They’ll also be voting on approving a design contract […]