On 04/08/2021 Appleton recorded 13 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 0 new probable cases. Active cases dropped by 2 to 156. Cases out of isolation increased by 15 to 8,250. Deaths remained unchanged at 63. We have now gone 39 days with no new deaths. […]
Author: All Things Appleton
AASD Superintendent Baseman Explains Why District Opted To Provide Fully Virtual Option; Provides No Data About Graduation Coaches
I am still in the process of getting answers regarding the details of the services the Appleton Area School District has been providing to struggling students. I have some follow-up questions that I’m waiting to hear back on, but I do still have an update. […]
Covid 19 Update At 04/07/2021 Common Council Meeting
The Common Council met 04/07/2021. Health Officer Kurt Eggebrecht gave a Covid-19 update. He actually appeared in the meeting room instead of via Zoom and removed his mask to speak. He said it was really good to be back in the room and mentioned the […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 04/07/2021
On 04/07/2021 Appleton recorded 17 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 0 new probable. Active cases rose by 6 to 158. Cases out of isolation increased by 11 to 8,235. Deaths remained unchanged at 63. This is now day 38 of no new deaths.
Board Of Education Policy Review Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/08/2021
The Board Of Education Policy Review Committee is meeting 04/08/2021 at 8am. They will be reviewing proposed revisions to the Facilities Naming Policy and, presumably, voting on a recommendation to send to the full Board of Education. This is a step they need to take […]
Kyle Lobner Plans To Request Recount
Alderperson Kyle Lobner (District 13 is planning to ask for a recount. [Given that he lost to Sheri Hartzheim by only 2 votes, this seems a reasonable and expected step.]
Coronavirus Numbers For 04/06/2021
On 04/06/2021 Appleton recorded 8 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 4 new probable cases. Active cases dropped by 12 to 152. This is the lowest active cases have been since 08/04/202 when there were 151 active cases. Cases out of isolation rose by 24 to […]
Fiber Rain Event Postponed; Health Department Cites Concerns About Rising Cases
It seems that the Fiber Rain yarn bomb event has been delayed due to the Appleton Health Department’s concern about increasing coronavirus cases. Appleton Downtown Inc had been planning to kick off this even on April 16, and it would have featured “one-of-a-kind yarn-creations displayed […]
04/06/2021 Election Results For Appleton
The election results brought some surprises and some not-so-much surprises. Kay Eggert and Ed Ruffolo were both elected to the Appleton Area School Board. Although Sheri Hartzheim was not successful in getting elected to the school board, she appears to have narrowly eeked out a […]
Common Council Meeting Scheduled For 04/07/2021
The Appleton Common Council is meeting 04/07/2021 at 7PM. Amongst other things, there will be a Covid-19 update. It will be interesting to see if Michael appears to plead his case in the hopes of being granted a license to sell alcohol so he can […]