The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 04/12/2021 Although not up for a vote, the board did discuss the proposed changes to the school facility naming policy. Updating this policy to include guidelines on renaming facilities is a precursor to removing the name […]
Author: All Things Appleton
Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/14/2021
The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 04/14/2021. The main item of interest on the agenda is that they will be discussing Alderperson salaries. As you may recall, Alderperson Joe Martin (District 4) wanted to increase the salary by $4,000 to $10,125 a […]
Appleton Redevelopment Authority Meeting Scheduled For 04/14/2021
The Appleton Redevelopment Authority is meeting 04/14/2021 at 9AM. There is only one action item which is a request to approve reappointments to the Expo Center Advisory Committee. They will also be welcoming former state Assembly Representative Amanda Stuck to the ARA Committee. Beyond that, […]
Board Of Health Meeting Scheduled For 04/14/2021
The Board of Health is meeting 04/14/2021 at 7AM. On the agenda is the still ubiquitous Covid-19 update. Theoretically, there will be a 2020 Annual Report. The PDF attached to the agenda is literally just a one page cover sheet featuring pictures of a syringe, […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 04/12/2021
On 04/12/2021 Appleton recorded 6 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 1 new probable case. Active cases rose by 3 to 191. Cases out of isolation increased by 4 to 8,282. We are on day 43 of no new deaths. They remain at 63.
AASD Refuses To Say How Many Failing Students Received Virtual Plus Assistance
For reasons that I don’t entirely understand, it continues to be difficult to gather specific details about programs offered by the Appleton Area School District. It took some back and forth to learn that, although the school year ends in only two months, the Graduation […]
Municipal Services Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/13/2021
The Municipal Services Committee is scheduled to meet 04/13/2021 at 5PM. They have three action items on the agenda. 1. Voting on a sole source contract with Patrick Engineering for professional services needed to complete the Wastewater Electrical Distribution Upgrades Phase 5 (Final Phase). This […]
City Plan Commission Meeting Scheduled For 04/13/2021
The City Planning Commission is scheduled to me 04/13/2021 at 4PM. There will be a public hearing and then vote on a proposed discontinuance to vacate portions of W. College Avenue and S. Douglas Street. Apparently, the city no longer needs those strips of land […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 04/11/2021
On 04/11/2021 Appleton recorded 23 new confirmed cases and 1 new probable. Active cases rose by 19 to 188. Cases out of isolation increased by 5 to 8,278. Deaths remained unchanged at 63. This is day 42 of no new deaths. The weekly numbers are […]
Finance Committee Meeting Scheduled For 04/12/2021
The Finance Committee is meeting 04/12/2021 at 5:30PM. Amongst other items, the agenda includes… A budget adjustment for consulting services. This is related to ongoing plans to convert the closed Mackville Landfill from an active gas extraction system to a passive one, a change that, […]