The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 04/14/2021. One of the items on the agenda was a discussion of alderperson salaries. As you may recall, Alderperson Joe Martin (District 4) during the March 10 committee meeting proposed increasing the Appleton Aldermanic salary by approximately […]
Author: All Things Appleton
Board Of Education Holds Charter School Contract Renewal Until Next Regular Meeting
The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 04/12/2021. One of the items they took up was the 5 year contract renewals for the Fox Cities Leadership Academy charter school and the Foster Elementary Charter School. [I found this entire discussion interesting because it […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 04/15/2021
On 04/15/2021 Appleton recorded 10 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 8 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 13 to 188. Cases out of isolation increased by 5 to 8,331. Deaths remained unchanged at 63 for the 46th day in a row.
Recount Confirms Sheri Hartzheim Narrow Winner Of District 13 Aldermanic Race
[Update: here is a link to the city clerk’s announcement.] The District 13 recount happened today and it was confirmed that the election night totals were accurate. Challenger Sheri Hartzheim beat incumbent Kyle Lobner by just 2 votes. I had thought the city would post […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 04/14/2021
Coronavirus numbers for 04/14/2021. 8 new confirmed cases and 3 new probable cases. Active cases dropped by 19 to 175. Cases out of isolation increased by 30 to 8,326. Deaths remained unchanged at 63. This is now day 45 of no new deaths.
Board Of Education Holds Discussion Of Learning Models Until Special Board Meeting The Week Of April 19
One of the items on the agenda for the 04/12/2021 Appleton Area School District Board of Education meeting was “Potential Updates to Safe and Resilient Framework (Secondary Learning Model Options)” This ended up not being discussed and instead was held until a Special Board meeting […]
Muncheez Pizza Employee’s Alcohol Operator’s License Application Put On Hold
The Alcohol Operator’s license requests have been interesting recently. We just finished the tale of Michael and his failed quest to get a permit. The 04/14/2021 Safety and Licensing Committee featured another convicted felon hoping to be granted an Alcohol Operator’s permit. Chief Thomas spoke […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 04/13/2021
The city didn’t post the coronavirus numbers for Tuesday 04/13/2021 until this morning. There were 13 confirmed cases and 4 probable. Active cases rose by 3 to 194. Cases out of isolation increased by 14 to 8,296. For the 44th day in a row, deaths […]
Bicycle And Pedestian Advisory Comittee Meeting 04/15/2021
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee is meeting 04/15/2021 at 3pm. They will be getting Department of Public Works project updates and a Downtown Streetscapes Design Guide update. They’ll also be discussing the 2021 Trails of the Fox Cities map as well as getting Parks […]
Finance Committee Votes To Hold Resolution Banning The Display Of Political Signs On City Owned Property So Attorney’s Office Can Research
The Appleton Finance Committee met 04/12/2012. This was Alderperson Kyle Lobner’s (District 13) last time chairing the Finance Committee before he departs the Common Council after having lost the recent election by two votes to incoming District 13 Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim. The recent campaign season […]