The Finance Committee is meeting 06/21/2021 at 5:30 PM. Highlights from the agenda include… The 2020 Audit and Executive Summary will be presented. The agenda packet only includes the PowerPoint slides for the presentation which aren’t overly detailed, but they do seem to indicate that […]
Author: All Things Appleton
Municipal Services Committee Meeting 06/21/2021 – Staff Will Recommend Cutting Back On Sidewalk Repair, Limiting Shed Options For Homeowners
The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 06/21/2021 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on various street reconstruction projects. They will be voting on recommended updates to the city’s Sidewalk Maintenance Policy. It looks like the changes would provide more flexibility to the city to put […]
Board Of Building Inspections Meeting 06/21/2021 – Homeowner Seeks Solution To Non-Conforming Staircase
The Board of Building Inspections is meeting 06/21/2021 at 3PM. The issue before the Board is that a property is currently being remodeled but the existing stairs leading to the basement has one riser that is 9″ whereas the Uniform Dwelling Code requires risers to […]
Alderperson Schultz Makes Partial Response Regarding His Previous Statement About Conservative Backlash
Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) has publicly commented on the social media post he made in which he had expressed concerns about fellow alderpersons voicing “conservative family values”. In his public comments he confirmed that he believed the things he had posted but that his […]
Alderperson Brad Firkus’ Invocation At 06/16/2021 Common Council Meeting – “We’re gonna be offered a lot of opportunities of making choices of how we want to engage with our community and with our fellow Appletonians. We can choose to engage in ways that help each other, that can make ourselves feel better, and can make our community a much more enjoyable place to be a part of.”
Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) delivered the invocation at the 06/16/2021 Common Council meeting. Mayor Woodford: “Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Firkus.” Alderperson Firkus: Thank you. I’m just gonna start tonight with a little story. A couple weeks back, I had bought a […]
Department Of Public Works Modifies Bulky Overflow Proposal To Include Some Limited Free Curbside Pickup
The Department of Public Works has modified its original leaf, yard waste, and bulky overflow collection proposal which would have seen all free bulky overflow pickup eliminated. The new proposal put limits on what and how much bulky overflow they collect at the curb but […]
First Farmer’s Market Of The Season
The first Farmer’s Market of the season going strong in Appleton this morning.
Mayor Woodford Welcomes New Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator
Mayor Woodford took some time during the 06/16/2021 Common Council meeting to introduce the city’s newly hired Diversity Equity and Inclusion coordinator. Terrence “Timber” Smith will be officially joining the Mayor’s office on Monday 06/21/2021. Mr. Smith grew up in Milwaukee and came to the […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 06/17/2021
On 06/17/2021 Appleton recorded 0 confirmed coronavirus cases, 0 probable cases, and 0 deaths. Active cases dropped by 2 to a total of 4 known cases across all of Appleton. Cases out of isolation rose by 2 to 8,773. Deaths remain at 65.
Library Board Approves Proposal To Eliminate Overdue Fines At Appleton Public Library
On 06/15/2021, the Library Board voted to approve a proposal to make the Appleton Public Library a fine-free library. One member of the public participated in the public comment portion of the meeting. Nick Ross, Vice-President of the board of the Friends of Appleton Public […]