City Finance Committee Approves Mayor’s Recommendations For Allocating The City’s $5.115 Million Excess General Fund Balance

The City Finance Committee met 07/12/2021 and took up two related items: Resolution #8-R-20 related to a city Brand Study and action item 21-0946 which was Mayor Woodford’s allocation of the city’s $5,115,000 excess General Fund balance. Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) asked Mayor Woodford […]

Library Board Meeting 07/20/2021 – Will Vote On 2022 Budget, Receive Update On Library Project

The Library Board is meeting 07/20/2021 at 4:30PM. Action items on the agenda include: The June bill register A budget amendment Compliance documents for a funding agreement with United Way Finance policy updates The library’s 2022 operating budget Changes to the city’s “Ergonomics Policy” There […]

Finance Committee Hears Presentation On Bond Proposal And Votes To Recommend That Bonds Be Issued

On 07/12/2021 the Finance Committee considered and voted on a request for the Finance Director to sell $14.5 million of general obligation promissory notes, $8.36 million water system revenue refunding bonds, and $9.04 sewerage system revenue refunding bonds. Prior to voting on it they listened […]

Board Of Zoning Appeal Meeting 07/19/2021 – Will Consider A Zoning Variance To Allow A Business To Not Provide Off Street Parking

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 07/19/2021 at 7pm. The one item on the agenda is a request regarding the property located on the corner of N. Bateman Street and E. Atlantic Street. The property used to house Fox Valley Church of Christ. John […]

Alderpersons Firkus And Doran Explain How Transportation Utilities Work And Explain Their Goals In Asking For Studying The Creation Of A Transportation Utility In Appleton

As previously posted, Alderpersons Brad Firkus (District 3) and Chad Doran (District 15) recently submitted resolution #9-R-21 which, if passed, would direct the mayor to include in the 2022 executive budget funds to pay a consulting firm to “determine the feasibility of creating a transportation […]

Municipal Services Committee Receives Update On BIRD E-Scooter Pilot Program – Complaints Lower Than Expected; Only One Accident So Far

There was a brief report on the BIRD E-scooter pilot program during the Municipal Services Committee meeting on 07/12/2021. In addition to the community feedback report that had been attached to the agenda, Director Paula Vandehey  had a report she handed out to the committee […]

Alderperson Denise Fenton’s Invocation At 07/07/2021 Common Council Meeting – “Kindness without justice fails in compassion. It cannot mean a lack of accountability for causing harm.”

[Note: this invocation was given at the second Common Council meeting held after Mayor Woodford’s statement to to the alderpersons at the 06/15/2021 Informal Organizational Meeting and seems to be connected to some of the same issues he raised.] Council President Matt Reed: Tonight’s invocation […]

Municipal Services Committee Holds Items Regarding Pole Building Ban And Electrical Work By Homeowners Until 07/26/2021 Committee Meeting

During the 07/07/2021 Common Council meeting, 3 items were referred back to the Municipal Services Committee: the Alvin Street reconstruction project, the request to ban pole buildings in Appleton, and the updates to the Municipal Code regarding electrical work performed by homeowners. Those then came […]