Municipal Services Committee Votes To Remove Limitations On Pole Buildings

On 07/26/2021, the Municipal Services Committee took up item 21-0872 which was a request to “Approve update to Municipal Code Section 4-141 regarding prohibited accessory buildings”. This item included requests to ban the use of shipping containers as sheds and also ban the construction of […]

Finance Committee Recommends Transportation Utility Study Resolution For Approval, Also Recommends Changes To Excess General Fund Balance Allocations To Fund The Study

During the 07/26/2021 Finance Committee meeting the committee took up the issue of the excess general fund allocations and whether or not to amend those allocations to include funding for a transportation utility study. The mayor’s initial allocations did not include funding for a transportation […]

Common Council Approves Issuance Of $30 Million Of Bonds; Refinancing Of 2011 Debt Results In Over $600,000 Of Savings

On 07/21/2021 the Common council voted to approve over $30 million worth of promissory notes and bonds. Prior to the Council meeting, the Finance Committee met briefly to review the final interest rate figures and vote on whether or not to recommend moving forward on […]

Mayor Woodford Responds To Questions About Metrics For Measuring Economic Success Of City Rebrand – Expects To Track Performance Indicators Developed In The Course Of The Brand Study

On 07/26/2021, the City of Appleton Finance Committee voted to recommend for approval the $500,000 excess general fund allocation to cover a city brand study and the implementation of that rebranding. Some residents have had questions and/or concerns about a city rebranding and the associated […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 07/28/2021 – Will Vote On Help Desk Analyst Overhire

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 07/28/2021 at 6:30PM. The one action item on the agenda is a request to over-hire the position of Help Desk Analyst. The city has two Help Desk Analyst positions. One staff member retired earlier this year […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/28/2021 – Will Review Fire Department’s 2021 Mid-Year Report

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/28/2021 at 5:30PM. There is one liquor license change of agent application and two temporary alcohol licenses from churches who want to serve alcohol during special events they are holding. The rest of the items on the agenda […]