Redistricting Committee Meeting 10/18/2021 – Will Review Two Additional Map Options

And the Appleton redistricting saga continues. On 10/11/2021, the Redistricting Committee voted to recommend the Option D ward and district map for approval; however, they were not entirely satisfied with that choice. There was a sense that they were pushed into that option because it […]

Redistricting Committee Votes To Recommend “Option D” Redistricting Map For Approval – If Approved Three Alderpersons Will Be Drawn Out Of Their Districts

The Redistricting Committee met 10/11/2021. At their previous meeting, the committee had voted on proposed redistricting map “A” which met the statutory requirements for compactness, contiguity, and they believed at the time ideal population. Although not a statutory consideration, this map also hewed most closely […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 10/13/2021 – Will Vote On Table Of Organization Changes For Two Departments, 3 Year Contract With Fringe Benefit Broker

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 10/13/2021 at 6:30PM. On the agenda are requests to change the table of organization for the CEA and Parking Utility as well as the Human Resources Department. The CEA and Parking Utility changes are due to […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 10/13/2021 – Action Items All Alcohol Related

The Safety and Licensing Committee meeting is meeting 10/13/2021 at 5:30PM. The action items consist of 5 alcohol related licenses. Information items include updates on the 2022 budgets for the Legal Services Departments, the Police, and the Fire Department. View full meeting details here:

Recap Of The Board Of Education Discussion And Vote Maintaining Mandatory Masking – Several Board Members Agree They Need More Clarity Regarding The Factors Influencing Their Decision

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 10/11/2021. The big item on the agenda which took up the most time was the discussion and vote surrounding mandatory masking while inside school facilities. There was nearly 1 hour and 45 minutes of public comment, […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 10/13/2021 – Will Vote On Offer From Company To Purchase Lot In Southpoint Commerce Park

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 10/13/2021 at 4:30PM. There is one action item on the agenda which is a request to approve the Offer to Purchase from Hayden Properties, LLC for a lot In the Southpoint Commerce Park. They already have a […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 10/13/2021 – Will Vote On Two Plats And Two Annexations

The City Plan Commission is meeting 10/13/2021 at 3:30PM. It doesn’t seem like too complicated of a meeting. They have two plat approvals and two annexations on the agenda. Staff is recommending approval for all 4 items. View full meeting details here: