Utilities Committee Meeting 03/22/2022 – Will Vote On Storm Sewer Cleaning And Television Contract, Receive Report On 2021 Water Main Breaks

The Utilities Committee is meeting 03/22/2022 at 5PM.

The one action item on the agenda is a request to award a Storm Sewer Cleaning and Television Contract to Green Bay Pipe and TV, LLC in an amount not to exceed $244,500.

They will also receive information on (a) PFAS and Water Treatment Facility Source Water, (b) the Private Lead Service Line Replacement Grant, (c) the Year-End Summary of Watermain Breaks, and (d) Monthly Reports for January and February.

It looks like in 2021, Appleton had the most water main breaks they’ve had since 2014 and the second highest number of breaks since 2000.

View full meeting details here: https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=929592&GUID=F8806218-8271-4ADB-AA92-39B420503183

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