Transit Commission Meeting 03/22/2022 – Will Vote On Purchasing New Support Vehicle, Receive Update On Valley Transit II Services

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 03/22/2022 at 3PM.

The two action items are the approval of payments and a request to approve recommendation for a Valley Transit support vehicle. Per the memo to the commission, “staff is required to provide support services on a daily basis” and “it is necessary to replace a 2006 support vehicle at this time.” Also per the memo, “Valley Transit budgeted sufficient funds for a support vehicle in the 2022 budget. Ewald’s Hartford Ford, 363833 E. Wisconsin Ave., Oconomowoc, WI 53067 submitted the lowest bid at $29,114.”

The commission also has a number of information items including the monthly financial and ridership reports, a budget discussion, and an update of Valley Transit II services. As you may recall, they have been experiencing some issues with their VT II services due to low staffing levels and received a lengthy update on the efforts to overcome those issues during the February commission meeting.

View full meeting details here:

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