Coronavirus Numbers For 03/06/2022

Covid updates will look a little different going forward. The city is moving away from daily updates to their Covid dashboard and will instead be updating it weekly on Mondays. As was mentioned during the Board of Health meeting, the CDC has changed how it measures community Covid-19 levels which means that the old 2-week burden calculation will be going away. The City of Appleton is also changing their reporting weeks from a Monday – Sunday timeframe to a Sunday – Saturday timeframe. Additionally, case investigation and contact tracing recommendations have been updated, so the city will no longer be tracking which cases are currently “active” or “out of isolation”.

Below are the numbers for the week of 02/28/2022 through 03/06/2022. I wanted to stick with the old timeframe for this last post before transitioning to the new way of doing things. The city already moved to a Sunday – Saturday week so did not include the case count from 03/06/2022 on the dashboard, but it was mentioned during the Board of Health meeting, and born out by the numbers posted on the WI DHS website, that there were 5 new confirmed cases on 03/06 and 0 probable cases. Deaths remained unchanged at 81.

Appleton’s 7-day running average of confirmed and probable cases is currently 8.43 as compared to 9.57 on this day last year. From March 18, 2020 (the day of Appleton’s first case) through March 06, 2021 Appleton recorded 63 deaths with/from coronavirus and had a death rate for known cases of 0.81%. That compares to 18 such deaths from during the same timeframe beginning March 18, 2021 and a death rate of only 0.14%.

Over the week of 02/28/2022 – 03/06/2022, Appleton recorded a total of 45 confirmed cases and 15 probable cases. The week before that we had 61 confirmed cases and 19 probable cases. Our 2 week burden per 100,000 residents calculates out to 187 when using both confirmed and probable cases and 141 when using only confirmed cases. Both of those rate were in the “high” category. Our weekly case count is now back to where it was at the end of July and beginning of August 2021.

Since Appleton’s first recorded case on March 18, 2020, 28.55% of Appleton’s approximately 75,000 residents are known to have had a confirmed or probable cases of coronavirus. 0.11% have died with or from coronavirus. 71.45% are not known to have had covid.

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