Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 03/09/2022 – Will Vote On Sole Source Contract To Assess City’s IT Network

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting tonight, 03/09/2022 at 6:30PM

The sole action item is a request from IT Director Corey Popp to approve a $60,000 sole source contract with Heartland Business Systems to conduct an IT network assessment.

Director Popp had told the Finance Committee on 03/07/2022, “one of the areas of concern that I have is the limited knowledge of the current IT staff as to what is actually taking place on the network.” There was no network monitoring in place so there were no eyes into the circuits, the speed of the circuits, congestion, traffic collisions, etc. which meant that when they ran into issues there was not a lot of trouble-shooting that could take place. Additionally, no one knew exactly how many computers were connected to the network, and not knowing how many computers there were made it difficult to protect and secure those computers.

This assessment by Heartland Business Systems will help him get a better understanding of all those pieces and will include the installation of a device that will remain installed after the assessment is completed and continue to give staff eyes into the network so they can keep up on what is going on.

The city’s purchasing manager agrees that sole sourcing this contract is justifiable.

The committee will also be receiving information items regarding the retitling of the Facilities Project Manager to “Project and Resiliency Manager,” the FBI Information Technology Security Audit of the Appleton Police Department, and the most recent recruitment status report.

View full meeting details here:

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