Finance Committee Meeting 02/07/2022 – Will Discuss And Vote On Resolution 2-R-22 To Improve Communication, Technology, and Pedestrian Safety

The Finance Committee is meeting 02/07/2022 at 5:30PM.

The first item on the agenda and the one I would expect to garner the most discussion is Resolution #2-R-22. If passed this resolution would take the money currently allocated for a city brand study and reallocate it as follows:

  • $100,000 for an website re-design
  • $225,000 for the city’s enhanced crosswalk program
  • $150,000 for technology upgrades

During the last Finance Committee meeting, the committee voted to kill the city brand study and then decided to place Resolution 2-R-22 on hold for two weeks in order to get feedback from city staff members. That feedback has now been provided.

Per the memo, “staff does not believe that allocation of funds for the above-specified purposes will accelerate the work associated with implementation. Staff has concerns that none of the recommendations have undergone thorough evaluation and planning, nor have they been weighed against other City priorities.”

The memo goes on to suggest that the committee could revive the brand study and reissue a Request for Proposals in the hopes that they receive better proposals the second time around than they did the first time. If the committee decides to proceed with the allocations as laid out in the resolution, “staff recommends that the Finance Committee HOLD this Resolution until June 2022, by which time staff expects to have a clearer sense of funding needs.”

The rest of the action items seem much less dramatic. There’s a request to award a sewer and water reconstruction project, a couple budget amendments, a request to approve the sole source purchase of a primary sludge pump, and a request to approve an increase in contingency for a contract by $75,000 due to the need for unforeseen additional repairs and replacement work.

There are also several information items, three involving contracts and one regarding a budget adjustment for Reid Golf Course.

View full meeting details here:

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