Common Council Receives Covid-19 Update – Breakthrough Cases Seem To Be Holding Steady At 20-25% Of Total Cases

During the 02/02/2022 Common Council meeting, the Council members received a brief Covid-19 update.

Interim Health Officer Sonja Jensen reviewed the standard pack of slides presenting Covid-19 related data.

During the previous week, Appleton had had 685 total confirmed and probable cases, then was down from 1,221 the week before. With a burden rate of 2,541.3, Appleton still remained in the “Critically High” burden category, but Officer Jensen noted that cases did seem to be on the way down which was good news.

As of February 1, 2022 the city’s transmission rate, which was the number of cases per 100,000 in the last 7 days, stood at 913.3 which was in the “High” category.

She reviewed the vaccination numbers which continue to slowly increase.

She also said that the number of patients in the Fox Valley HERC region who were hospitalized with Covid was down. On 02/02/2022 there had been 97 total patients hospitalized across the 13 regional hospitals which was a decrease of 33 from seven days before. 22 of those were in the ICU which was a decrease of 3 from a week prior. She said that was a good trend. [Those numbers are close to the screenshot I’ve included which is for 02/04/2022.]

She said that she had received a request to share the breakthrough case data specific to the City of Appleton. She noted, “This percentage is everybody that’s completed the initial Covid 19 series—any of the three vaccines—who had a positive lab reported to public health. It does not take into account which vaccine or how long since the last dose was given or if there’s a booster dose.”

From December 1 of 2021 through February 1st of 2022, 23.9% of all reported cases were in people who had been vaccinated. She remarked, “This does not take into account if the person had any symptoms or the severity of the illness such as hospitalization or death.” [Appleton’s rate of breakthrough cases seems to have been steadily hovering in the 20-25% range over the last several months.]

Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2) hadn’t caught the percentage of breakthrough cases and asked her to repeat the number. Other than that, there were no further questions.

View full meeting details and video here:

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