Coronavirus Numbers For 12/17/2020

On 11/17/2020 Appleton reported 28 new confirmed coronavirus cases and 19 new probable cases. Active cases rose by 13. Cases out of isolation increased by 33. There was 1 new death.

We are now 3 weeks out from Thanksgiving. On 11/25/2020, the day immediately preceding Thanksgiving, the 7 day running average for confirmed and probable cases stood at 42.43. For confirmed cases only it was 39.43. Now, 3 weeks after Thanksgiving, those numbers stand at 37 and 27.29 respectively. We have had 10 deaths in the 3 weeks after Thanksgiving. There were 11 deaths in the 3 weeks immediately prior to Thanksgiving.

On 11/25 there were 126 total hospitalized coronavirus patients and 20 ICU patients. By 12/17 that dropped to 80 patients total and 14 ICU patients (and as illustrated in the graph, today it dropped down to 62 and 10). By contrast, on 11/05 (3 weeks prior to Thanksgiving) those numbers stood at 152 and 23.

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