Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 01/26/2022 – Will Vote On Intoxicated Bartender Resolution, Alpine Swift Alcohol License Application

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 01/26/2022 at 5:30PM.

The first item on the agenda is Resolution #1-R-22 Intoxicated Bartender Ordinance.

As is common with resolutions, when this was introduced at the most recent Common Council meeting, no background was given as to why it had been drafted. More information as to what prompted this resolution has been made available to the committee. Per a memo from Police Chief Todd Thomas, police records show six incidents in Appleton last year that involved intoxicated bartenders and “we know there were other incidents that did not rise to the level of a report or citation.”

They will also be voting on a request for a nuisance ordinance update. The proposed change would update the municipal code language regarding Chronic Nuisance Premise as related to drug nuisances to reflect state statute language.

This being the Safety and Licensing Committee, a number of alcohol license applications will be voted on including that submitted for the Alpine Swift restaurant. During the meeting on 01/12/2022 the committee had decided to hold off on voting out of a desire both to review the City Plan Commission action concerning the restaurant and also to perform due diligence given the location of this restaurant in an otherwise residential neighborhood.

They will also be considering and voting on a proposal to modify the duration of Farm Market licences. As laid out in the memo to the committee, the city’s current code related to this “does not adequately conform to the ways in which our farm markets currently operate.”

View full meeting details here:

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