Finance Committee Meeting 01/24/2022 – Will Decide How To Proceed With Rebranding Effort

The Finance Committee is meeting 01/24/2022 at 5:30PM.

As you may recall, during the committee’s 01/10/2022 meeting they discussed a recommendation to award a contract for brand development services to Unlisted, LLC. Due to some concerns with the proposal the committee decided to hold off on voting and instead have Unlisted meet with the committee and address the concerns that had been raised. It seems that, in light of that, Unlisted has decided to withdraw their proposal.

The Mayor’s Office is recommending refining the process and reissuing the Request For Proposal with a tentative submission deadline of August 1, 2022.

The Finance Committee will also be considering Resolution 2-R-22 which is somewhat tied in the issues with the brand study contract. If passed, the Resolution To Improve Communication, Technology, And Pedestrian Safety would take the funding that had previously been set aside for the city rebranding and reallocate it for an website re-design, the city’s enhanced crosswalk program, and to address needed technology upgrades.

They’ll also be voting on a contract to renovate the City Hall common space. With the contingency included that contract will total $1,688,564.

Finally, the city has been having a difficult time finding a suitable replacement for Director of Public Works Paula Vandehey who will be retiring in June. Human Resources Director Jay Ratchman is asking to hire the Employment Resource Group, Inc to help with the city’s search effort.

The committee will also receive updates on a several contracts that have been awarded.

View full meeting details here:

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