Safety And Licensing Committee Decides To Wait Until Next Meeting To Vote On Alpine Swift’s Liquor License Application

The Safety And Licensing Committee met 01/12/2021. One of the items they took up was the Class B Beer and Class C Wine license applications submitted by Adam Marty for Alpine Swift, his planned new neighborhood restaurant on Pacific Street.

Back in November he was granted a variance to serve up to 30 patrons without having to provide the 10 off street parking spots required by code. Earlier that day, his special use permit was approved by the City Plan Commission.

He will, however, have to wait a few more weeks to learn the fate of his alcohol license permit applications because the Safety And Licensing Committee voted to hold the item until their next meeting.

When the motion to hold was made, Alderperson Matt Reed (District 8) asked if Committee Chairperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) could briefly explain for the record why the committee was wanting a hold.

She said her understanding was that this location had not had a liquor license in the past, so it was going through the committee process for the special use permit. She wanted to make sure things went smoothly in that process before the Safety and Licensing Committee voted.

Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) said he didn’t know if it was appropriate yet to speak about the business’ location, however “we constantly find ourselves working with new scenarios of commercial enterprises and liquor licenses in relatively dense residential neighborhoods, and so I think we just have to exercise a little caution and let the process play out and then have conversations when we get to that point about whether it’s appropriate for this location or not, and it may be.”

There was a brief discussion that partially happened off microphone as to which committees Alpine Swift would be coming before in its Permitting process. It had already had its special use permit to be able to sell alcohol on the premises approved by the City Plan Commission. Alderperson Van Zeeland wanted to know if it also needed to be approved by the Community Economic Development Committee.

It sounded like they determined that it would not come before CEDC; however, Alderperson Van Zeeland still preferred to hold the item until the next meeting because the City Plan Commission meeting had only happened earlier that day and she wanted to have time to review what they had done.

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) also wanted to review the City Plan discussion before the Safety And Licensing Committee voted.

They confirmed that there were no issues of urgency that would require a vote on the item that day. The committee then voted 5-0 to hold the item until their next meeting so that they would have time to review the City Plan Commission’s discussion on the item.

View full meeting details and video here:

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