Common Council Meeting 12/15/2021 – Will Vote On Food Truck Regulations, Tee Tee’s Nachos Licenses, And Alcohol License Demerit Points System

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 12/15/2021 at 7PM.

This will be the last Council meeting of the year as they only meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) has also noted on his aldermanic blog that there probably won’t be a Council meeting on the 5th of January since the committee meetings that would proceed it will probably be cancelled due to the holidays.

Mayor Woodford will be presenting some committee appointments and reappointments.

The mayor will also be presenting election inspector appointments for the 2022-2023 election cycle. [The Republicans seem somewhat fired up about the next election cycle. They have 43 election inspector nominees as compared to the 32 from the Democrats.]

There will also be a Covid-19 Update. [I’ll be interested to see if, after this current surge is over, these updates will be retired for good or if they will be a an every present item on agendas for years to come.]

Most of the items on the agenda seem uncontentious and unlikely to be pulled for separate votes. The discussion at the Municipal Services Committee about food truck regulations seems to have been somewhat involved and I would not be surprised if that gets separated out for further discussion. Due to technical difficulties, there was no video recorded of the meeting, but, for those interested in some further background, Alderperson Firkus did write about the discussion on his blog.

The concerns surrounding the alcohol permits for Tee Tee’s Nachos seem to have been resolved, but if Timasha or her supporters appear at the Council meeting, it may be separated out for an individual vote though it probably wouldn’t result in a lot of discussion.

Resolution #16-R-21 which would update the city’s alcohol license demerit point system also seems like something that may be separated out for a vote.

View full meeting details here:

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