Coronavirus Numbers For 12/05/2021

The City of Appleton is experiencing delays with the online Wisconsin Disease Reporting System, so the most recent coronavirus numbers posted are for 12/05/2021. I do also want to note that there were 4 days worth of numbers around the Thanksgiving holiday that were posted all at one time which skewed the way the chart looked, so I averaged those numbers across the 4 days to reduce variance on the chart.

On 12/05/2021 Appleton recorded 32 confirmed cases and 2 probable cases. Active cases dropped by 40 to 215. Cases out of isolation rose by 74 to 13,044. Deaths remained unchanged at 75.

Appleton’s current 7-day running average of confirmed cases is 42.86 as compared to 31.14 on this day last year. The 7-day running average of confirmed and probable cases is 60 as compared to 40.29 on this day last year. Currently Appleton has 215 active cases as compared to 516 on this day last year. Last year between March 18 (the day of Appleton’s first recorded coronavirus case) and December 5, Appleton recorded 44 deaths with/from coronavirus as compared to 12 such deaths during that same timeframe this year.

Last week Appleton recorded a total of 300 confirmed cases and 120 probable cases. The week before that there were 264 confirmed cases and 95 probable cases. That makes the city’s 2-week burden per 100,000 people calculate out to 752 when using only confirmed cases and 1038 when including probable cases. 752 is in the “Very High” category for disease burden and 1,038 is in the “Critically High” category.

Over the last 21 months since the start of the pandemic in March of 2020, 17.78% of Appleton residents are known to have had a confirmed or probable case of coronavirus. 0.29% of Appleton residents currently have an active case. 0.1% of residents have died with/from coronavirus. 82.22% of Appleton residents are not known to have had coronavirus.

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