Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 12/08/2021 – Will Take Up Applications From River Tyme and Tee Tee’s Nachos And Consider Alcohol License Demerit Point System Resolution

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 12/08/2021 at 5:30PM.

They have a couple alcohol license change of agent applications and a pawnbroker license renewal that look routine, and Appleton Downtown Inc is applying for a temporary Class B beer license for the Seltzer Stroll even on December 16.

The three items on the agenda that I would expect to have the most discussion are…

1. The Class A and Class B alcohol license applications for Tee Tee’s Nachos. There has been a lot of discussion around this business and concern that approving an alcohol license could inadvertently open the door to a tavern being able to establish itself in that location sometime in the future. The applicant, Timasha, was not aware that she was allowed to attend committee meetings, but since being contacted by Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) and city staff she has indicated she does want and intends to attend the committee meeting.

2. The Reserve Class B Liquor and Bear License Permanent Premise Amendment application for River Tyme Bistro. If I understand things correctly, some kind of unexpected structural issues caused the business to use the use of its deck. This item has been held multiple times as city staff has been working with the property owner to figure out appropriate ways to continue allowing outdoor seating and the sale of alcohol.

3. Resolution #16-R-21 Alcohol License Demerit Point System. This resolution was introduced during the 12/01/2021 Common Council meeting by Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10). If passed as written, it would increase the length of time demerits stay on a business’s record and require business owners who receive 25-149 demerits to appear before the Safety and Licensing Committee and explain what steps they are taking to rectify the issues that resulted in the demerits.

View full meeting details here:

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